To what degree do you feel society punishes you for being single?

  1. Society-at-large doesn’t punish single men, but marriage does come with special benefits – splitting the rent, “family” cell phone plans, etc. I suppose single men are excluded from those types of things, but I wouldn’t call that punishment per se.

  2. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to wonder if I’m being rewarded for being single instead

  3. -Tours at vacation destinations. They’re very much positioned around couples.

    -Being somehow socially acceptable to exclude single friends from group hangouts/dinners solely because they’re single and everyone else isn’t (people who do this are just pieces of shit and nothing is going to change my mind).

  4. Income earned by single people is taxed at a higher percentage than the income of married people filing jointly with a similar tax table. Despite you not being the fucker who is procreating and creating little burdens that need to be educated etc. you aren’t the one who gets a break.

  5. As a man: I’d say a significant degree. Especially when men are mocked for being virgins or not ever having or being in a relationship with a woman at a certain age. I have a friend who is 27 and still a virgin and it bothers him quite a bit even though I try to let him know it’s not that important. Guess cause society tells him he has to lose his virginity at a certain age to be a “Real man”. Sad because his an amazing person.

    But I also know men who prefer being single as they were in toxic relationships. They haven’t turned into misogynistic dicks but they just prefer single life and don’t like the hassle with what comes with relationships

  6. Tax benefits, and cost of living increases.
    In general as the amount of time you spend at work increases, the costs of being single increases as well. Like when I was doing 12 hour shifts (like 13.5 hour days with the commute)at a gas plant, it was difficult to get around to doing the other necessities of life. This is more of a side effect then active

    There are social stigmas, but for the most part people are too busy with their own life to care. And those that do care are the kind of people I don’t want around me so fuck’em

  7. I don’t feel punished

    I do feel like the housing industry is made basically entirely for families, though. That’s a bit frustrating.

  8. Only in a lot of individually minor, cost of living type ways. And it’s not active “punishment”, just inevitable consequences of division of labour type stuff that’s not compensated for.

  9. Seeing the struggle that my friends who are married with children have to go through on a daily basis I’d say society is rewarding me for being single.

  10. If anything it’s stereotypes.

    I feel like it’s a requirement due to me being single that I have some horrible mental disorder or I’m a bad potential partner.

    I’m honestly just 30 and prefer spending my time on myself 🤷

  11. Zero. Society never cared about single men before, why would they start now?

    Now that I think about it, if populations continue to decline governments may consider targeting single people.

  12. Not nearly as much as it would punish me for being married…. That’s why I’m single, bud.

  13. Society should punish you for being a whiny bitch if you think you’re getting punished for not being in a relationship

  14. I don’t think society punnishes any guy for being single. I expect that most people who feel this way are simply punnishing themselves because they use society as a measuring stick for their own confidence.

  15. I don’t feel like it punishes me for that at all.

    My greatest perceived social sin has always been failing to be born into wealth.

  16. This might just be my unique situation but I am spending the holidays completely alone because my family is on the other side of the country and I am new to my area. I went out looking to make Thanksgiving food, and I likely won’t really be able to without wasting a ton because the sizes and portions are all geared towards families. I can’t eat a 10ib turkey by myself, or entire casseroles. Kinda frustrating but I also understand I am in a unique situation.

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