EDIT: Movie or TV show! Sorry 😂

  1. When people start arguing I always yell “everybody love everybody” and no one ever thinks it’s funny.

  2. “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.” (From *Cool Hand Luke*)

    And how, sometimes.

  3. ‘The world is yours’

    Only really relevant in work conversation but something I always say to people who are struggling.

    Hopefully they don’t use it to become a drug Lord

  4. You’re killing me smalls!
    Watcha talking bout Willis ?
    Don’t get cheap on me now !
    What , like it’s hard ?

  5. Not a movie but “ Hello Newman” / / Seinfeld.
    In fact I quote a lot from this show.

    “Can you spare a square”
    “Get a good look Constanza”

  6. “Super cereal” – South Park -ManBearPig. Whenever anybody asks If I’m being serious

    “I was saying Buuuuurnnns” – simpsons. I say this whenever there is a miscommunication, or if I am asked to repeat myself.

    “Well I didn’t vote for you” Monty python. I say this if I disagree with someone

  7. “We accept the love we think we deserve” every time a girl friend cries about a shitty boy.

  8. It’s a TV quote, but every time something mildly inconveniences me, I go “it’s ok, I guess I wasn’t meant to have a good life”

    Also a lot of Spongebob quotes

  9. “Hello there!” (channeling my inner Obi-Wan Kenobi)

    I work in a shop and it’s an innocent way to amuse myself when greeting the customers

  10. Bloody hell from Harry potter but I’m also half British so that could be part of it too

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