Me and my gf have been together for 2 months and we had intercourse for the first and last time about one month ago. She says that she wanna takes things slowly. She also said she’s had a dramatic experience his first time. I’ve recently found out she has a bodycount of 11 Tho. She said she’s finally ready to have intercourse today, but I don’t know how I feel like it. Why did it take so much time with me? Am I overthinking?

  1. Yes you’re over thinking it. Everyone has a past and what they did with others or their time line for doing such things doesn’t matter. Every relationship is unique.

  2. Either she likes you more than them or she don’t like you as much as them. BUT don’t over think it, you got her now. Make the best of it.

  3. Usually girls take time for intercourse with someone they are really into. It doesn’t really matter in a casual realtionship. Also her past experiences can also be the reason of delay.. just give her time, be supportive, try to know the reason and just don’t panic out she is all your Man!

  4. >I don’t understand women

    Most men don’t understand women.

    Most women don’t understand women.

    Most women don’t understand men.

    Most men don’t understand men.

    Few people understand themselves, and if you can’t understand yourself, other people are a mystery.

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