I used to be a total social moron and a shut in some 3 years ago. Now after having regularly pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and worked on my social skills I am much more outgoing and social, I’m able to share myself and have non-braindead convos with people, and have a much easier time making friends, but I just look at people with high confidence and charisma and compare myself to them. How can I be more grateful of my progress?

  1. Congrats on your progress! I’d suggest keeping a journal so you can reflect on the past while also keeping track of the goals you’re still working towards.

    Try to avoid comparing yourself to other people. The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. In what ways have you improved in the last 1, 3, 6, 12 months? What lessons have you learned? Where do you want to be (in terms of confidence or socialization skills) a year from now?

    I know it can be difficult not to, (it’s something I struggle with myself) but you’re much better off being your own person. Keep up the good work!

  2. It’s easy to be our own worst critics. From my outside perspective, your progress is amazing! Congratulations 🤙 Still, it must be frustrating to not feel as fulfilled as you could be from all of that progress.

    Perhaps it’ll help to think about it this way: there are people out there who either experienced a healthy upbringing, have natural social skills, were involved in engagements that pushed them to be outgoing, or whatever other situations that allowed them to practice being sociable from an early age. You’re trying to catch up on a complex skill in only a few years. I imagine your progress graph has quite the exponential curve.

    It’s also okay to tell yourself that while you aren’t where you want to be yet, you’re not where you used to be. And if you have to chill out for a bit at this level before moving on up, that’s totally okay.

    Maybe your dissatisfaction is a sign that you’re ready to take the next big leap?

    No matter the case, I hope you find that personal satisfaction and pride in how far you’ve come ✌️

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