I just had to attend this get together with a group and I’ve lost all my energy. Is it a real thing or is it all in my head?

  1. This happens, predominantly to introverts. A lot refer to it as their social battery draining

  2. Omg yes!
    I will never agree to go out partying on consecutive days..I’m comfortable with at most one party every 2 weeks.
    Parties exhaust me!
    (I don’t subscribe to the introvert extrovert dichotomy that is publicised these days)

  3. This used to happen to me around certain groups, particularly whenever I had to “perform” at the event (e.g. put effort into thinking about how to phrase my words, fake a certain type of energy level, etc).

    The more people I was around, the more people I had to simulate for – so like for a certain joke, will person A find it okay? Person B? C? D? Doing this test, especially in real-time, was draining.

    The higher the stakes were (eg I really thought I had to prove myself in front of a crush, I was worried about my place in the workplace, I felt uncertain about my self-identity) the more draining group interactions were because I’d have to put more and more energy into simulating my replies and demeanor to try and control how other people perceived me.

    Eventually I did stuff (value establishment, self amusement etc) and now I get energy from group environments.

  4. Was their name Colin Robinson by any chance? 😀


    Yes I’ve had this happen to me. Some people are just so negative and draining to be around. I just don’t hang out with them any more.

  5. Both ways. There’s certainly a reaction between people with social energy. A mix of empathy and emotions can certainly leave you feeling drained if you don’t protect yourself properly.

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