So recently we’ve been talking about cutting my hair again since its grown a lot. My dad is saying he will cut it but me and my mum agree that he cuts it really badly and doesn’t give a model to my hair at all. I don’t know how to tell him that I want to go to a barbers without being rude. Pls help me all responses are highly appreciated!

  1. Getting a bad haircut is worse than being perceived as rude. Your needs are more important than other peoples fragile feelings. Just say “I want to go to the barber shop”. Speaking your wants and needs can be hard but you MUST if you want to be happy in this life, it’s YOUR HAIR! I wouldn’t let anyone mess up my hair. Looks are how people judge you at first, you deserve to look nice. Get a picture of what haircut you want, and say “I want this haircut, I’m going to show it to the barber.” Just keep repeating “ I want to go to the Barber” if they resist. And say “No” anytime they try to cut your hair. Practice your “I want” and your “no”, it will help you in life to stand up for yourself and get your needs and wants met. Good luck practicing on your dad, I know it’s hard, you can do it.

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