Week after week after week….What helps you get through it?

  1. Knowing that a really really long vacation is at the end of all the weeks I mean like trillions of years long vacation

  2. The thought of the weekend.

    Monday isn’t bad, I am refreshed from the weekend

    Tuesday is a little bad, still refreshed but a long week ahead of me.

    Wednesday I have a glimmer of hope but am tired, the worst day.

    Thursday I am just tired, but only one day left so I savor my breaks.

    Friday is the last day so I get some energy in me and am happy for the 2 days off.

    Rinse and repeat.

  3. Try to have more interesting things to do in y free time in the evening. Focus on that more than my time at work. The days fly by then the weekend flies by.

    Time to make the donuts.

  4. I love making up elaborate scenarios about winning the lottery on my drive to work in the morning. I have plans for all different versions 1, 2,5, 20, 50 million. Great way to kill some time. If not that then winning fake arguments with work colleagues in my head works well.

  5. You just do it.

    Though, what got me through this week is knowing that we’re closing early today, have Thursday & Friday off for Thanksgiving and I’m on vacation next week.

    Of course, vacation will end and it’s back to work. But my job isn’t so bad. We have several offices and I’m usually the only one here, so, no co-worker drama.

  6. I just do a terrible job and smugly remember that they can’t fire me cuz no one else would work here

  7. Usually I have one earphone in and listen to some music.

    And also the money that I earn helps me going

  8. My career goals, hitting the gym Monday and Friday, bills, blasting death metal on the way to work.

  9. Depends on the week. Sports, working out, bourbon, some video games, and maybe a couple of tv shows

  10. It distracts me from the one person I miss, and my continuing mission to win her heart again.

  11. Med student so on the one hand I spend a lot more time than 40hrs but a lot of it is studying, a lot is patient care, it’s not a job.

    I actually like my career path. I like taking care of sick people and helping them be not sick or less sick or at least suffering a little less while they’re sick. Tbh not all of my classmates actually care. And I like that I’ll eventually be able to take care of a family, pay for retirement, donate money, pay back the mass amount of loans I have.

    Also, to be totally honest, I like being a high achieving adult. I wouldn’t really be happy with an easy or non-competitive field.

    Please forgive the complaining about an overall damn good thing: I despise board and shelf exams tho and I also don’t like the hours. I would like med school more if I got to do 75% of it and got more sleep and family time.

  12. The fact that I love electricity , cable , wifi , my vette , my house , steaks , shrimp , good bud , margaritas , and for my wife and kids to have safe , dependable , nice looking rides…..oh , and water 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤘

  13. It maybe stereotypical but MONEY, knowing all the hard work will be worth it when I can invest into my future so I don’t have to work everyday. As well as knowing I can help my current and future family by getting through the week, makes it all worth it!

  14. First of all it helps that I don’t hate my job and it definitely beats being homeless and hungry.

    On days that I don’t enjoy working, I have plenty of stuff to look forward to

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