I need y’alls input. Back in August, a girl I was FWB with tried to have sex with me while we were getting ready to head down to my other friend’s bday celebration. She totally caught me off guard with that and I accepted. However, I couldn’t get hard and it was extremely frustrating and embarrassing. While in the car, I had made a comment expressing my frustration and said something along the lines of “I’m sorry my dick doesn’t work”. She replied by saying “you aren’t attracted to me” and I assured her I was. Then she said I have a limp dick and asked if my ex and I had sex frequently…I took that as insinuating I am bad at sex. Honestly, her saying that ruined my whole day and I just wanted to go home at that point but I was her ride to the party so I felt obliged to continue with the plans. Fast forward to today, we aren’t friends anymore, let alone FWB.

Something unrelated happened while I was driving her home and we stopped hanging out and talking for a month. In that month, I realized she is not that great of a person, and when she called me randomly a month and a half later saying to get tested and that she was positive for something, but refused to tell me what she was positive with, that solidified that thought. I ghosted her as she ghosted me after that and over the next week or two she would randomly call me. I didn’t answer even though I wanted to. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have feelings for this girl at one point. This whole situation has caused me to be way more cautious about who I sleep with in the future. What would you all have done and did I handle this correctly?

1 comment
  1. Learn from this. Random unprotected sex isn’t worth the heartache. If you fwb, insist on condoms. Care about you first!

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