I haven’t written in a while, so I hope this isn’t too hard to follow.
As the title suggests, I’m going to talk about how I feel I peaked in high school, and how I feel now in relation to then.

I, (22M), graduated just before covid hit. I’d gotten to genuinely appreciate my peers over the past 2 years I’d been with them. Most were “school friends”, but many were people who I’d see outside of school too.

I’ve always been isolated on my personal time. Being able to stay in the void of my own head was awesome. I would spend my nights no-lifing games that bring me a great amount of nostalgia. But always the single player kind. Somewhere along the way I also started smoking weed til it became a necessity in every evening.

At my school, there was your generic group of stoners that would always be getting together for a smoke sesh. I quickly became part of that group. Many people were just shallow, and would only talk to you in hopes for a cigarette or a fix of any sort, really.
On the other hand, I also met some really great, uplifting people.

By the end of my graduating year, it hurt knowing that I’d likely never talk to most of these people again. I knew they probably didn’t feel the same. I’d grown so comfortable around anyone and everyone, and it made me proud. I’m not really the extrovert type.

I tried keeping in touch with a lot of people, but that obviously deteriorated. Then covid happened not all that long after, and I even had some close friends fall out of touch.

Now in present day, I work full-time, still living with my parents. I usually feel like I can’t muster the energy to go out even once, aside from work. My job makes me a bit of a lone wolf, so I rarely give myself the task of meeting new people.

I still have close friends that I talk to, but my circle has shrunk drastically, usually only keeping in touch with 3-4 people. I can still very easily hold conversation, but I filter myself way more than I should. I started hating when people state the obvious (especially at home, or at work), so I stopped. And thus, often times I just don’t speak.

I still have my routine of isolating myself, gaming, and smoking. It’s kinda destructive a lot of the time.

I’m probably romanticizing it, but my old self seems a lot more attractive than my current self. I was always glowing, even if it was just a face. I’d make myself available to everyone because in my eyes, the greatest thing ever was the magic another person can bring to your world.
Now I’m just a loner that makes excuses and gives himself handicaps.

  1. First of all I get it have you talked to someone about it if not you should it helps get the weight off your chest second be brave you’ll be embarrassed you’ll panic but the more you do it the easier it will get don’t give up alot of times you’ll probably be like just stop don’t care or whatever it’s okay but get back up take care of yourself tell and think of yourself well even if you don’t believe it . But also be honest with yourself stop the excuses see what is going on with you have a conversation with yourself but that doesn’t mean torture you’re self and don’t think of others higher or lower than yourself cus even if others seem fine or great the also got shit going on too (sorry for not putting punctuations but I just had to tell you DON’T GIVE UP) cus if your really that bad you wouldn’t be here

  2. And I’m also still working on myself and I get days like that too where I go back to that state so it’s fine it may not work immediately but it can help in the long run

  3. Oh and stop the nostalgia/romanticizing get rid of that you right know is different from you an hour ago always changing so it may take long but be in the moment don’t be in your head look around you and stay clear headed and cool and pay attention to the you now and their future. who you used to be going to be inferior to who you will be, the better you. Take care of yourself and stay positive ❤️

  4. You’re not going to like what I’m about to say, but daily weed isn’t helping. Using weed as a social lubricant is one thing. Using weed as a daily habit by yourself is going to keep you stuck. Every single person I know who has cut back on their weed usage from daily to occasional has been able to improve their forward progress with whatever they were trying to get better at.

    You can go back out into the world and get that glow back, but it’s not something anyone can do for you. And you have a few years of inertia to overcome. Hence why I’m saying weed is not so much your friend right now.

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