I’m in my 20’s (faab) and I might lose my virginity in a few days I’m so worried I will be stupid/make a fool of myself. he’s very nice and has always taken my opinions into consideration asked me what I’d like to try for the first time. (Not together no plans into atm I’m not straight but I thought sex with a guy would be easier) I’m excited that someone thinks I’m sexy (I’m a 4 at best) tbh just need some tips or advice tbh anything will help. I’m scared I’ll freeze up and make it awkward

  1. Go slow, he was someone you trust and respect they will listen to you if you say stop , use precaution to be safe, and lube.

  2. Firstly, are you attracted to this guy? You said it would be easier with a guy, but that shouldn’t be your only motivation to sleep with him. Also, there is nothing to say that it will be easier with a man. If anything, it is likely to be easier with a woman. Cis het women report much lower instances of pleasure and orgasm from short term male partners, compared to two cis women. If you do want to have sex with him, however, trust that you won’t make a fool out of yourself! Take it slow, and don’t do anything that you aren’t comfortable with. You said you’re a 4, so your self-esteem might be lower than it could be. Don’t let somebody take advantage of that, you deserve to have a good time, and to have your boundaries respected. Good luck, stay safe, have fun!

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