Basically title. I think she’s really attractive and awesome. But we’ve only been roommates since January. I don’t want to make a move and make it really awkward if she’s not into it . Plus her family owns the house so there’s a likelihood I could be kicked out if she doesn’t want to live with a guy that’s attracted to her.

  1. Hmm. If you knew she wasn’t into you, how easy or soon would you move on and go back to feeling like just housemates? Reason being, you could be brutually honest about it with a family member and ask them if she might feel the same. Like say you wanted to avoid it being awkward if you tried to open up to her. But if you knew she didn’t feel the same way you’d easily just move on and everything would be back normal.

  2. Don’t shit where you eat… Unless you have a scat fetish, and I’m gonna assume you don’t.

  3. I know you’re probably looking for advice on how to make this work, but I don’t think that’s an option here. With most crushes, you’ll get advice like “you’ll always regret not making a move” or “the worst she can say is no”. In this case, the worse that can happen is she goes to bed anxious every night and has to worry about uprooting her whole living situation. If you’re ever going to make a move with her, you need a total change of venue that doesn’t leave her feeling vulnerable or at risk.

  4. lol DONT. i’ve done it before it’s nothing but a headache if things don’t work out, even if it’s good during the honeymoon phase, is it worth it if you gotta finda new place to live a couple months from now cuz shit’s weird?

    think about it man, if you guys get together and catch feelings, you’re going from just-friends to living-with-your-girlfriend instantly before dating. It’s no good, living together with your partner is a big step in a relationship.

  5. Since every comment here is essentially saying don’t shit where you eat, which in all fairness is good advice, I will play devil’s advocate.
    You’ve not really given any context but if there’s any chemistry or sexual tension between the two of you I say just put in the hours and go for it. What would you rather? Living your life thinking about what could’ve been and potentially hearing some guy from the bar folding her in half through your walls or the annoyance of having to pack up and move if it all goes wrong. It goes without saying to be respectful of how she feels and not make the atmosphere awkward.

  6. Arent there a few steps before making a move? Find out first if she likes you without beeing akward or making a final move.

  7. Don’t do anything. It will create more problems than it’s worth. Just stay away from her when you can to avoid the feelings.

  8. I know a girl who became roommates with a guy she didn’t know (they had a mutual friend) and they’re married now. I don’t have details on how it happened, but I remember being surprised she was dating/engaged/married to a male roommate she didn’t know when she moved in. Who decided the risk of making a move was worth it?!

  9. You need another woman in your life mate, to divert your thoughts, don’t jump into your stomach.

  10. You’ve lived together since January. Do you know one another better at all since then? Do you regularly have meaningful interactions?

  11. Just play it cool , and act like you could care less . Most Women can instinctively tell if you like them. Indifference to her looks , is a turn on. Don’t be rude , or go out of your way to let her know you could care less , just act naturally, and let it happen. No compliments etc. If she has a sense of humor , joke around a bit , nothing sexual or off color , unless she starts it. It may happen next week , or next month , be patient. If you have any female friends, call them . It makes you look desirable. If she ask who it is , don’t say ,” My friend” , say “just some girl I know” . You got this.

  12. Normally I’d say let her know but I’m this case I don’t think it’s the best move if you’re not certain it is reciprocated. Soooo….Be her friend, be friendly, behave normally, enjoy each other’s company, repress the crush, find another crush to take your mind off her, see what happens.
    If she likes you in that way, she will let you know at some point.

  13. Except you can guarantee its ends in a happily ever after, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Feeling would fade with time. Hopefully.

  14. The only way this MIGHT work is you are willing to/able to move out, and honestly if you have good control of your self and feelings, I don’t think it’s worth it dude, as said by other redditors, don’t shit where you eat, can get pretty ugly

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