So I could go into really insane details if more info is needed but for now I just want to assess the situation.

So whenever we fight(which is a lot over stupid stuff and her not believing me even tho I show her proof/ avidance of that I’m right) she tells me really mean stuff like that she wishes she never met me, her ex was better, I should just leave, I should just stop caring and so on

Like I do my best to never ever seek a fight or fight a fight when we argue most of the time I will just apologize about making a mistake (which most of the time I didn’t) to cool her down, I will take full blame and responsibility for stuff I never did wrong because I just don’t wanna fight with her, she is the first one to lose her temper and scream, while I’m sitting there and tell her to please calm down and just say what’s wrong and we talk about it.. Even though she is older I sometimes have the feeling that she is less mature than I am. I don’t want to say she is all wrong sometimes I do stuff wrong (no I never cheated on her or any of that stuff) like not text her for one hour bc I was busy with school stuff I do apologize for that as well bc I am sorry that I made a mistake and I really mean it but then she straight up screams and shouts at me for about 1h or 2h… If I ever tell her sth she will always tell me she is older then me and she knows stuff better than I do…

It has been gotten so bad that she makes me cry by being so mean over legit ANYTHING I took to long to respond to a text? She gets mad (even tho if she doesn’t respond to a text like 20min I calmly ask her why she didn’t text me and I accept it) I say a word I picked up from my class mates? She gets mad at me bc I “developing without her” I have to study 2h for a test? She gets mad bc I don’t spend that time with her (even though I’m in voice with her so she can listen and be at my side) every little thing I do that she doesn’t like ends not in us talking about it no it ends in her hanging up the phone, leaving the call, screaming at me, ignoring me, blocking me, being really mean and hurt full to me, and me actually thinking the thing that I didn’t do wrong was my fault..

Here is an simple example
Last week I joined voice after coming bsck from eating and she instantly accused me of texting other women like straight up screamed into my face. I’m setting there legit with my mouth open bc I didn’t know what the fuck is happening, so after being screamed at for 30 min I asked her in a calm voice to pls calm down and tell me where she has that info from and she is like “yea I checked battlenet (for those who don’t know what that is its like WhatsApp for like a gaming platform) and you were permanently online” and I was like “yea OK but I wasn’t, I was eating I told you and you know I leave my phone upstairs all the time” and she said I’m not telling the truth (still screaming btw) and I was like OK so you don’t trust me so let’s check my phones data usage in that time turns out I wasn’t fucking online I showed her proof and she told me I like kind of edited the picture or sth.. After that I was like ugh pls babe yoz ask me what I had to say for myself and explain myself but than you do not believe how do you want to resolve this matter? I know I’m not laying I’m showing you proof which you don’t want to see. (also I send her a Screenshot of all my chats so she saw I didn’t text anyone, which she also didn’t believe and wanted to see)

So I went ahead Uninstalled the app and was like yea I will just Uninstall it so it can’t make anymore trouble so you don’t have to have any fear and in the future we avoid the problem. After that she says the usual that she just hates me and so on. Like I don’t know what to do anymore.. Thanks for the feedback in advance 😀

Edit: we are in a long distance relationship

So how do I initiate a breakup? I have never done anything like this she has been my first… I want it to be over quick and leave no opportunity for her to talk shit into me?

TL;DR: every time we argue she gets rly mad at me even for little stuff, I try to avoid fights so I try to calm her down she tells me I am the biggest mistake of her life, tells me she hates me, tells me to just stop caring about us, tells me her ex was better (cheated on her) if she acuses me of anything I haven’t done and I show her proof she doesn’t care I’m not allowed to do anything with my friends or play video games on my own, can’t sleep long on the weekends bc she things I don’t want time with her

  1. “This relationship no longer works for me so I am breaking up with you. Good luck.”

    And then block her everywhere.

  2. It is a toxic relationship, you deserve better. If you waste time with the wrong person you will never meet the right person. She could be dangerous as well…I would be scared! Just send her a text saying, “I am breaking up with you, good luck for everything, bye”

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