So I just moved to a new area on the other side of the country from where I used to live and I’m having trouble thinking of ways to make friends here.

Everyone says just go out and do things you’d enjoy but the thing is all my hobbies are very solitary so I can’t even imagine how to do that either.

How can I make friends that preferably have some similar interests to me when most of my interests keep me(and therefore people I’d like to be around) in the house most of the time.

Sorry if this isn’t the right place for this topic. If there’s somewhere more appropriate please let me know

  1. Checkout Meetup. They usually have groups of people that get together in your area. Often they will meet and do those solitary activities but together in groups! I’m sure there are other sites as well that’s just the one I’ve used.

  2. Dating apps , just put you’re looking for friends that’s how i met most of my peeps when I moved to nyc

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