Was away all night with a relative at the hospital.

Came home asked about the chickens and roosters to my husband’s who is already upset that I asked him 3 other questions when I got home because the man can’t be asked anything!!

So the ass of my husband goes fixes the roosters water bowl and THEN GAVE ALL MY LEFTOVER MOMS STUFFING to the Roosters.
when I confronted him, he was..”its been 2 day..since Thanksgiving.” Wtf! Its only Saturday
And he gave it to the roosters!
ASSHOLE!! is all I can say when thinking of his actions.!

  1. Yeah! Men suck! Screw that guy! You should lawyer up!

    (AM I doing it right? I think I’m doing it right.)

  2. We should start a game of husband bingo. Can’t be asked basic questions? Feeding special leftovers to animals? Damn!

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