I am semi recently out of a pretty confidence diminishing relationship and now thinking of how to give more to potentially new partners. I am more of a giver but don’t know much about how to go about it anymore because I start to overthink things and don’t do much giving. I give immaculate head now I jus need other tips on initiating and taking control. Thanks😂

  1. For me, the only difference between the hateable starfish and a lovable sub is that the latter expresses appreciation for what I’m doing and moves her body and says things to show it.

    I test 97% dom and 0% sub/switch though according to some BDSM tests so I might be a bit extreme. But it is not so important to me what the woman is doing so much as she likes what I’m doing and I know it.

    I’m also in the weird category where receiving head puts me in a sub position I hate. I am just standing or lying there while she does all the work and that makes me upset that I am not contributing. So even if she has godly technique, that doesn’t matter to me. I don’t want her to take over the control. I want her to like my control so the most important thing to me is that she lets me know what she likes.

  2. New guy, just ask him what he likes to happen with him. I’m sure he will be happy to tell you, and with every one of them you potentially learn something new, or at least a variation it

  3. Well let’s see….Start off by initiating the sex. Many men say that woman don’t initiate sex enough. Stop over thinking, go with the flow and most importantly I think, is to pay attention and listen to your partner’s sex sounds. What they like, not like, what makes them feel good, what doesn’t and adjust accordingly.

  4. To ensure that you do nothing but give, tie the guy to the bed so he can’t move. Then tease and torture to your heart’s content.

  5. Take mental notes of what your guy likes and pursue that to the nth degree long and often…especially if it’s not a run of the mill thing. Also, surprise him with giving him what he likes in different settings or different times of day.

  6. This is a conundrum! because guys can be passive / quiet in bed and we are typically deferential to women’s desires.

    I would say a lot of sexting and psychological prep work will help you be dominant in bed. If you have an active imagination you should have no trouble planning a scene for your partners, telling them about it in a teasing way and then doing it!

    What you want to do during the build-up is listen for feedback about their desires. Incorporate what you hear into the scene.

  7. Whenever I do doggy with my partners, I spread my knees a bit further apart so I can twerk on their dick. It also allows me space to reach under and grab their balls

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