Name an antagonist which you felt was right and why?

  1. Magneto – he was trying to save people from being exterminated. He saw it happen once and didn’t want it to happen again.

  2. Baldur from God of war. From one side, blinded by revenge against his mother, and from another, being promised a cure from the Vanir curse by Odin if he got access to Jotunheim and was able to track down Faye. He was right in all of it in searching for freedom despite being a crazy psychopath

  3. Ozymandias from Watchmen.

    He killed millions of people, outsmarted the world’s most powerful, allegedly omniscient man, and stopped global catastrophe. He knew humanity was headed towards total obliteration, but managed to stem the losses and point the finger at the one man who could stop him.

    It was really pretty brilliant, but the whole thing was discounted as yet another comic book movie. Really good show.

  4. Lex Luther, he is right his time line is wrong but he was right superman was the greatest threat to humanity.

  5. Unpopular opinion but Christian from Midsommar. He got shit on a lot but I mean look at his gf and her problems. Most people would hold off of breaking up with their gf if her family was just murdered in a suicide. He didnt deserve the flaming bear suit.

  6. Luke castellan from the Percy Jackson books. The gods are assholes. He just got carried away and manipulated by Kronos

  7. Shylock. Poor guy had his daughter convert to Christianity when the world hated him for being Jewish, she stole his dead wife’s ring and ran off to marry some random bloke. Everyone was just a dickhead to him, and he lashed out.

  8. Black smoke monster.

    All he ever wanted to do was leave the island. But his mom and asshole brother, Jacob, just had to be dicks about it.

  9. James Doakes from Dexter. He was literally just trying to prevent further murders, and follow the principles he learned as a cop.

  10. Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII.

    Dude figures out he was a genetically engineered pawn and that his mother had been imprisoned and tortured… and basically just snaps. His response is that these corporations give fuck all about anything except for their own profits and have no problem exploiting people and the planet, and not many seem to notice or care… the best thing we can do is have a giant meteor wipe it clean and start over again.

    Not sayin he’s “right” but… yeah, I get that point of view.

  11. Captain Nemo, he simply wanted to keep his submarine and it’s technology from being militarized, and was quite bitter about slavery and the general state of the world at the time, being a former slave himself.

  12. Red hood and Punisher, their what Batman/ Daredevil should be but instead they let murderers who constantly escape prison live and kill 100s more people

  13. Any teen movie where the parents appeared to be assholes. Watch that same movie as an adult and you’ll find two things. One, the mom is now the person in the movie who is now the hot one, not the teenager, and two, the parents weren’t assholes, they were just being good parents.

  14. The Grinch. He just wanted the Christmas obsessed Pinocchio looking people to pipe down. Especially the fact that the entire town was led by his main bully.

  15. Jaws it’s just a shark trying to get some food, apparently sharks don’t really like the taste of human and they only eat them when they’re desperate, I guess it must have desperate

  16. Sharpay from High School Musical. She had worked her entire life (since she was in kindergarten she says) to be the best, to get roles, to go to Juliard. Every single time she gets usurped by inexperienced peers who aren’t even sure they WANT to be in theater at first and are just giving it a go all the while working out complicated romantic feelings. Was she perfect? No. But Sharpay deserved better.

  17. Thomas Hickey.

    In his death scene in Assassin’s Creed 3, he says

    “You’re just some blind fool who’s always chasin’ butterflies. Whereas I’m the type of guy who likes to have a beer in one hand and a titty in the other. Thing is, boy, I can have what I seek. Had it, even. You? Your hands will always be empty.”

    Shook me.

  18. Clyde, Law Abiding Citizen. He wanted justice and sought his own when there was none to be found. We are constantly told the system is there for us but it isn’t unless you can afford it. Sometimes that isn’t even enough. Nick was meant to be the better man relying on the system but murdered Cylde for his wrongdoing.

  19. The boyfriend in Bee Movie. He was right in being pissed off his girlfriend was talking to (and involved?) a honey bee.

  20. Loki, but not always. In Thor 1 he was just trying to be seen as an equal to his brother, but because he was a frost giant he was always the lesser brother.

  21. The computer in the movie Eagle Eye. He sat in judgement of a corrupt government and had a perfectly good solution to replace them with individuals who wouldn’t make bad solutions.

  22. General Francis X. Hummel from The Rock.

    Dude was trying to get fair compensation for men who died in secret running America’s illegal wars. Had the opportunity to kill millions of innocent citizens and wouldn’t do it. Called game over, they called our bluff at the end of the movie and was killed by his underlings for his refusal to slay innocents.

    Hummel had the right idea, just poor execution. Died a flawed hero.

  23. Count Dooku from Star Wars. He realized that the Jedi Order no longer did what was good or moral and only acquiesced to the wants and wishes of the Galactic Senate. He led a collection of systems to independence from the Republic (which we’re meant to think is a bad thing) and they declare war on them leading to the Clone Wars.

  24. Marco Inaros is in no way right but, as you say, from the belters perspective (at least from some of them) it felt right. They had to live in the worst living conditions there are through dozens of generations while seeing their resources being taken away. Little food, water an air, and all of that under the constant pressure of the UN and MCR.
    Again, killing billions is never right, but for the people that saw their own die everyday from starvation or hypoxia related problems, it felt like a great comeback.

  25. So many people saying Walter White, but he wasn’t an antagonist. He was a villainous protagonist. Hank Schrader was the antagonist, and he was right.

    Same with Light Yagami. He was the protagonist. L was the antagonist. And *he* was right, too. (Edit: L, not Light, to clear up any ambiguity.)

  26. Bruce in Finding Nemo. Sharks can’t be vegetarian. Eating fish is literally what he’s supposed to do. It’s the ecosystem, man.

  27. Syndrome’s ideology was correct even if he himself wasn’t. He didn’t want what he espoused until after he was the special one for a while. He didn’t actually want equality. Had he not added that line about “after I’ve had my fun” and tried to be a fake hero he could have worked quietly from the shadows to dismantle the caste system built out of the idea of superheroes

  28. Dark knights Joker. He single-handedly took out Gothams criminal organisations and eliminated those in positions of power that were corrupt. Something Batman and GCPD failed to do for decades. And then at the end showed that humans by nature, are good. And he did it not for money or power, but principle.

  29. Count dooku

    The republic was corrupt and headed by a Sith Lord, all he wanted was for a portion of the galaxy that didn’t feel represented by the republic to be able to leave.

  30. Oddly specific, but Jackson from season 1 of MTV’s Teen Wolf.

    Edit: forgot the ‘why’, he was literally a product of shitty foster parents and no real parents, was doing the best he had given his circumstances, got to be the best lacrosse player and team captain through determination and will power. Only to be completely out done by a NARC nerd bc he got bit by an evil blood thirsty wolf.

  31. Dr. Doofenshmirtz. I felt he was right, as he had a terrible friggin childhood. I mean, his MOM didn’t even show up to his BIRTH. Now that’s some terrible parenting. I was almost always on his side.

  32. Moby Dick. Just a whale doing whale shit and trying not to get his head scraped out for lamp oil.

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