I’ve always struggled with holding eye contact at times.

But sometimes I can do if its automatic and I don’t even know I am doing it.

But the moment I become aware of it, I become anxious about it and look away.
I start feeling like the person judging me for it which creates a cycle of worsening it until the interaction is over

  1. There are some videos on YouTube to train eye contact

    And on a basic note to keep eye contact you have to: keep it for 3 to 5 seconds then look a bit around lock eye contact again, another look around and repeat

    Just keep trying until eventually it’ll be natural dw for your anxiety, embrace it as a challenge of the world that tell you you can’t, but you it is your duty to defy and tell everyone you can not with words but with actions.

  2. You don’t have to look in the eyes for the other person to feel you are. You can look at the forehead or just in between the eyes. A good trick which helps you relax is activate your peripheral vision while looking at someone and try and focus on the objects at the edge of your vision!

  3. you don’t want to always be looking in someones eyes. Unless you’re holding hands and the music is swelling…

    keep switching from ear to nose, to mouth, back to eye, ear again, then mouth, back to nose, EYE. and so on.

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