At what point did you realize you needed to get your shit(life) together? How did you solve it?

  1. Tryna figure that one out right now,

    Currently (29m) working on beating depression- thinking to try psychedelic therapy. Mushrooms tomorrow then ketamine therapy

    Then really figuring out what it is that brings me a sense of purpose in this life.

    From there gonna hammer down the basics. Living expenses, steady cash flow etc.

    After that just start saving toward buying a house i guess

  2. I never have, have just limped through life half arsing most things and it’s all worked out pretty nicely. Or maybe that means I always have it together sufficiently? Who knows?!

  3. At 26 when me and the ex broke up, I was on the streets with nothing but a bag a clothes.

    I sat down and was honest to myself about all the shit I did to fuck my own life over, made a plan to correct the tings, and 4 years later life is pretty good.

  4. Five years ago at 38. I was fat – very fat – and coasting through life with untreated depression. One random day I had a moment of disgust, got off my ass, started eating better and never looked back. I lost 50 lbs, started getting into running and lost another 50 lbs doing that. Along the way I also started on meds to help with the depression. I think my proudest moment was last month when I went outside one random morning and ran an unplanned 26.2 miler (marathon) all by myself just because. I’ve run official marathons too, but something about doing it all alone with no support makes it feel like it’s in a different league.

  5. It was actually fairly recently. I think quitting hard drugs was a big part of the solution, but honestly lots water and daily fiber really helped with my consistency. I used to spend like 30 minutes in the bathroom, but now I’m in and out in 5 minutes.

  6. (24) I was working three jobs, barely paying rent, drinking far too much(thus the rent issue) wasn’t going anywhere, hadn’t had a girlfriend or even a date in months and on the way to one of my jobs, about 30 minute drive away, my car died on the freeway in freezing rain weather. Walked a couple of miles to a gas station and called my sister to come help me. As I sat there soaked I figured it was time to stop messing around and make a hard right turn. So, a couple of months later I was in the Army several states away and the rest is history. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do what sucks but you know will make a positive change in your life. I basically gave myself no choice but to get better.

  7. Realized in my early 20s that I was in a loop of being a lazy sack of shit for months, getting tired of that, self improving for a few weeks, then going back to being a lazy sack of shit.

    28 now and on my self improvement phase. I’m going to make it last this time.

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