What am I doing wrong?

So before I begin, yes I put myself out there. I volunteer at the children’s hospital and special Olympics on a regular basis. I go to concerts, movies, and music stores as well as those are my hobbies. I talk to people not because I want to hookup or date them because they seem interesting. After talking/getting to know them for a few days/weeks I try asking them on a date. I’m also 5’9 if that matters.

Now if they say yes and we don’t click, there’s no chemistry I’m fine with that cause we both tried. However, the majority of the rejections have either been “I only see you as a friend”, “your such a wonderful guy and any woman would like love to have you but I could never see myself dating a guy like you”, or my absolute *favorite* “I can see you giving me everything I could ever want in a relationship and you’re going to be a great boyfriend, but you have no dating experience”

Wtf am I doing wrong???? I can’t even get someone to say yes to a first date, and even if that does happen they never show. This has happened 32 times and it’s just destroying me. I’m in my late 20s, own my own house ON MY OWN, travel, healthy, somewhat funny, wtf am I doing? I feel destined to be forever rejected. And I’m a good person I genuinely care for people but I get hurt that I’m not given a chance. And I want to make this clear, if they reject me I’m still nice and polite as they have their reasons and I might not even be their type.

  1. Don’t tell them you have no dating experience. Other than that you might be a bit boring/awkward or not attractive enough to them. But at least you’re getting dates, so that puts you ahead of most guys in your situation.

  2. Realize that whatever reason they give you is generally bullshit to make you feel better. Bottom line is that they are not interested.

  3. OP, you come across as the classic nice guy. And in the West, no one is as sexually undesirable as a nice guy. I know cos I used to be one.

    The advice I can give is – learn Game. Women don’t necessarily become impressed by someone who has a good job, their own house, or even if they are a wonderful, honest genuine guy. They want a man who gives them pussy tingles on the date.

    There are too many things to list here on how to do that. But there are books, YT videos on flirting, seduction etc. Learn this skill like you would learn to play an instrument.

    Good luck.

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