Hello, I’m going to write this post as more of a rant/vent, but I would very much appreciate any comments or advice people are willing to give. This will be a long post so thanks to those who read it.

So the basic story is that I am currently 21, and from an outside perspective my life looks great. I have a good paying job with lots of savings, I’m active and healthy, new vehicle, and can pretty much buy/get most of anything I want. The problem that most people see/don’t acknowledge is that I have zero social life, and I’m starting to realize that’s what I want more than anything else.

For a look back into my past, I grew up out in a more rural area and went to school in the nearby town. I had a good amount of friends there, and while I wasn’t able to hang out in person much, I always had people to talk to in school and a few friends to game with at night etc. Halfway through junior year I moved to a bigger city (10x the population) due to changing which parent I lived with(went from mom to dad).

The first half of my year at the new school sucked, I basically never talked to anyone, ate lunch alone, and all I ever did after school was work/play games. At the start of senior year I had a determination, and I followed through with it by cultivating quite a few relationships with other students and in general had a very fun year. Sadly it didn’t last…

The people I had made friends with during senior year almost all went off to colleges. And my father never really pushed me towards higher education and just told me to “go get a factory job”, for which I did. Luckily one of my better friends from school actually ended up working there too and we got to stay connected from there.

After a few months at my first factory job I moved on to greener pastures to my current job, which paid a lot more at the time. My current job however, doesn’t have many people my age, but I still love the job. I also still stayed connected to my friend from the old job, up until a few months later when his older brother died and he cut off not only me, but to my knowledge all of his other friends too. I haven’t heard from him in over 2 years now.

Now that leads to the present. My normal days consist of: working out, working at my job, playing video games, or doing things with family (who I don’t share much with). I only have two people I would really consider “friends” anymore: one older friend who I worked with at my part time high school job, and one high school friend who dropped out of college and went back home to factory work. I talk with and have Snapchat streaks with both, but we probably only hang out once per year. Why do we not hang out more often, I don’t know. I try not to push any get-togethers but maybe I should be.

I have tried going to others such as my family for help, but it really doesn’t work. My father, who is 60 and really doesn’t have friends either, just tells me to “go to the bar and meet people” like that’s the big solution to my problem. My other family members disagree with him and say it’s not that simple, but they don’t have any ideas to offer either.

As for myself, I haven’t given up yet. I have been conversing with coworkers to try and improve my conversation skills. Also despite disagreeing with my father, I have tried going out to bars during peak hours or sports games to try and meet people. Sadly it seems almost all the people my age are already in groups and not solo like me.

While this may be cheesy, I have also been longing for a romantic relationship as of late. I have been feeling the strong need for a “life-partner” and someone to one day have a family with. A bit off topic, but I thought I should add it.

This was a long post, and I thank anyone who read it all. If you have the time please leave a comment or any advice you may have. Thank you and have a great day.

  1. Meetup is a cool. I’ve met a few friends in there a few years before COVID and we hang out pretty often still. You can go to different events and socials that interest you

  2. You need two things — places where you can see the same people consistently and strike up regular conversations. Second, you need to be able to break through the natural barrier that keeps people from feeling relaxed and warm in conversation.

  3. Saaaamme. I’m 22 and I have no friends. I’m in a good school, get good grades, and I’ve got a good job. I was homeschooled, and I know that’s the root of my issues. I am making progress socially, but it’s slow as hell and a bit discouraging. Don’t give up. I’m not going to. You’re not alone in this

  4. Hi, 21F here. I’ve also been struggling with loneliness and lack of friends lately. My best friends are away for college and it’s difficult to find a time we can meet up.

    I’ve recently started volunteering at an animal shelter and have started to become acquainted with a few similar aged volunteers.

    Like the redditor above said, definitely try joining groups where you’ll be consistently interacting with people. It’s difficult going into new job places without knowing anyone, but you gotta put yourself out there if you want to make friends!

    I would also recommend reaching out to old friends, and try to set up a time to hang out.

    Hope everything works out for you, OP

  5. Hmmm maybe you could volunteer somewhere and meet people that way ? Join a church group or look into events at the community center if they have one ? Take a night class …. Get a PT job at a grocery store or something where a mix of ages tend to work.

  6. Hey I’m down to be friends. I’m 27 and have made friends living in a new city but I get you, it can be lonely. I’ve left plenty of friends behind and it’s like starting new chapters of your life. It’s ok to be alone. Feel free to message me

  7. My situation is very similar. I’m 22 and was pretty inconsistently socialized growing up, so I’ve never really had any close friends. I live at home still, but I work and have my own car, I just don’t know where to go from here. I pretty much just go to work and come home. I go to church on Sunday, but my family tends to switch churches every few years, so I have a hard time making connections there.

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