Lately I’ve been having a hard time loving myself, I moved away from a place and a job that I loved for a person I love who ended up pushing me away. My friends have been distant and I’m finding it hard to love myself as I feel like I have nothing going for me. I recently started going back to school as I dropped out freshman year and I workout daily. My therapist says I need to learn how to love myself but I’m having a terrible time doing so because I seem stuck in this loop of disparity. So men of Reddit I ask you how do you love yourself or how did you learn to love yourself? Thanks in advance.

  1. Write a list of things you like about yourself. It can be anything. Try to add 1 item to that list every other day and read the list to yourself every morning and every night.

  2. Meditation couldn’t hurt. Stare the beast in the eyes and let it pass. All you can do is do the best you can do, sometimes it isn’t enough, but it’s the process and the people you help that matter.

  3. Your therapist needs to know you’re there to play. Tell her you want to learn Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

    My CBT was large and small group therapy and we did 24 classes/sessions.

    Don’t let her get away with acting like aspirations are the best way to handle your problem.

    CBT specifically *trains* you to not attack yourself.

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