i joined the army a few years ago and since joining, have learned not to trust so easily. but this year, i have been done wrong by multiple people i had trusted wouldn’t, and i think it’s starting to take a toll. i now don’t like to make new friends often in case i will regret it, and have become indifferent to the friends i do have. almost as if i’m expecting them to eventually do me wrong too and am protecting myself subconsciously. i still hang out with them, but i don’t feel the same enthusiasm or excitement i used to. i feel bad because i love them and appreciate them just the same. i want to get out of this mindset. has anybody else felt this way?

1 comment
  1. I’d recommend to talk to your friends about how you feel at the moment. Maybe being in the army has changed the way you see them or the way you feel (very likely).

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