i’m(24) friend with this girl(23) from a year, in the last months we are hagging out together more frequently(we always hang out just the two of us, exept for a couple of times) and i start feeling something really strong for her and i wanna be more than friend with her.

tha fact is that i’m scared to tell her because i think: “maybe it’s to early, maybe we should continue enjoy this time and maybe with the time her feelings will get stronger and she will make me notice that she likes me”
i’m scared because i think that waiting a little more will reduce the rejection chance, but also if i await to much she might lose interest or meet an another dude and also i’m suffering cause i can’t express my feeling to her. i think i’m receiving some interest signals by her but i’m not sure.

am i overthinking? maybe there isn’t any right time, if i do this now or in a month or 2 it wil change or no? it will be better or worse? she i a person that like take her time to know the peoples and i don’t know how much to indulge on this.

i’m struggling to tell her that i like her because i’m really comfortable with her, i enjoy a lot the time with her and we talk about every topic and have a lot of fun together, but i always think “i wish to be more”.

  1. You’ve know this person for a year. If she’s into you or not was established after the 4th or 5th time yall hung out together.

    Ask her out. If anything you’d be too late in telling her. Not to early. And don’t “confess” you like her. It’s not that big of a deal. Tell her you like her.

  2. Yes, you’re overthinking it. You don’t need to confess anything, just ask her on a date.

    You don’t want to become too invested in someone you aren’t dating. If you do that you’re going to turn it into a life or death situation. Believe me when I say this, when you’re that invested you will look into every minute detail and drive yourself crazy trying to be perfect (and then you become someone you aren’t).

    Don’t be too hard on yourself. And good luck!

  3. At your age you should know than confessing is a recipe for dissaster, if you want to see if she is interested ask her out, but DONT confess.

  4. Don’t ‘confess’ anything, that shows deep insecurity imo. Be confident with your feelings and don’t get upset if she doesn’t reciprocate which is probably the case unless you have some good signs saying otherwise

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