When you’re unhappy in a relationship, how does it take you to break things up?

  1. I try to communicate about my unhappiness and find a resolution. I will put as much work in as possible, if they do too. If they’re not interested in resolution, that’s the point I’d break up. If we try and it doesn’t help, I’d consider ending it then.

  2. There’s no set time. It’s circumstantial, depending on whether I want to try and work with my partner to better our relationship or if I know I want to break up.

  3. Not long for me. I don’t tolerate bs. I’m someone who knows what she wants and how I expect to be treated, and if somebody doesn’t live up to that requirement then I break things off quick. Wish them a happy life and move on with my life.

  4. I speak my needs and my feelings. Hopefully thdy are responsive and do the same so we can figure out a olan. If they choose to get defensive or show that my feelings are invalid. I begin processing the break up

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