What have you done to try to fix it?

  1. >What’s the #1 reason why you dont get the women you want?

    You don’t try, and keep trying.

    It’s a numbers game.

  2. Distance. Not much I can do at this time to fix it as I’ve got a few more years before my pension is retired and she’s an *actual* strong independent woman who wouldn’t be able to easily quit a career just to be with me. We’re both willing to enjoy any time we can get together so nothing that really needs repairing.

  3. Overweight. I’ve accepted i cant be the charming fat guy who wins people over with his charms, and i’m working on breaking out of my women hating mindset.

  4. There was only one woman that I truly wanted, bit she was going out with a close friend at the time. I valued the friendship too much to do anything. I ended up going to a different school and never saw either of them again.

  5. genetic illness, not diagnosed yet but my doc is sure and we wait for the results, and testosterone defficiacy And mental illness.

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