Is it a bad thing to avoid eye contact with strangers?

I’ve caught myself doing this because I have no idea what to do in the case where I do make eye contact with a stranger.

If it’s someone I’ve met before, then of course I can do something like raise my right hand with my fingers open to acknowledge them.

What are you supposed to do if it’s a stranger?

Also, does it depend on whether the person is a guy or a girl? I’m a guy.

  1. It’s fine to make eye contact with strangers. In fact, generally speaking you’re safer if you do. Years ago I used to work the grave shift at a mini mart in a kinda sketch area. Part of our training was to look at the people walking in and say hi. That alone can discourage someone from doing something stupid. Same goes for eye contact elsewhere – it signals confidence. Don’t overthink it – walk with your head straight, eye contact is fine, smile if you genuinely feel like it/seems appropriate but don’t feel obligated.

  2. >What are you supposed to do if it’s a stranger?

    Ideally, exactly the same thing that you do with friends.

    >Also, does it depend on whether the person is a guy or a girl? I’m a guy.

    No. Well, a little. Men are by our nature a little more threatening to women than the other way around. So we have to be a little bit more careful to be nonthreatening.

    >Is it a bad thing to avoid eye contact with strangers?


    >I’ve caught myself doing this because I have no idea what to do in the case where I do make eye contact with a stranger.

    In what context? A glance across the street or in the store? Just ignore it and move on. Or you can nod, or you can smile. It doesn’t really make a difference. If you are trying to initiate a conversation, eye contact first to make sure you don’t startle someone

    During a conversation? ‘Normal’ eye contact rules apply. That is; when talking keep eye contact for 50-70% and look around the other times. When listening keep eye contact when they keep eye contact and look around when they look around. That’s not perfect but will get you through most conversations easily.

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