There’s this guy I (21F) met this guy in one of my classes this semester. We sit near each other and talk often, but I can’t read this guy for shit. I catch him staring at me all the time, and whenever I look back at him he smiles at me, so I get the impression that he could be interested but he hasn’t really made a move otherwise. He also said I was “endearing” recently, which could read as platonic to me, so I don’t know. I think I’ve caught a vibe from him and he’s cute as hell, but I often overthink shit and am horrendous at this kind of stuff. I was thinking I’d just ask him out at the end of the semester so if he says no I never have to see him again lol, but I was wondering if I even should since these are the only signals I’ve really gotten and I’m not even sure they mean anything.

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