In case you don’t know what this means, have you ever been used by someone just because they wanted to go out, get free drinks, food, whatever. Like they don’t actually care about you at all.

  1. Nope, but I’m the guy that will gladly take unmolested leftovers and finish it to save a couple bucks.

    I have been affectionately called a garbage disposal because I’ll eat foods that would otherwise be thrown away.

  2. It will only happen once with said person.

    I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. It always comes down to “pay what you can” with my group of friends. However it’s not hard to tell if someone’s is being a mooch by knowingly ordering expensive items just to say at the end “I’m broke”.

    If it gets that bad, split the check. At some point you have to come to the conclusion that they didn’t give a fuck about you when you both walked in, you shouldn’t give a fuck about them when you walk out.

  3. No, but I was the “free dick” guy in my 20’s . Women would use me for sex with no intention of anything else.

    I really loved working in the nursing home.

  4. Me: are yall eating at home tonight?

    My kids: what’s for dinner?

    Me: will you be home?

    My kids: cooking, ordering, or leftovers?

    Me: …

    My kids: nah, I’ll stop at a drive through.

    Me: cool, we’re going out for steak then.

    My kids: Fuck!

  5. Nope but me and a few “friends” have been the opposite with certain women in college. Im not proud of it. My friend Brandon had a woman buying he in groceries at Publix every other week.

  6. Yes and I wanted to freak out at whatever dish at Applebee’s we’d always get that was something like a pasta bowl with one chicken finger in it and the chicken finger was no bigger than my pinky for $23. I don’t have long hands either.

  7. I have been the free food lady. Went hard ( went on tons of dates)on the dating scence a few years ago. Paid for everything, planned it. No second dates.

    I paid because 1. A pride thing, 2. I don’t like to be indebted to anyone, even if it’s for something small.

    Not sure what I was doing wrong but I’m assuming it was my refusal to get physical right away. Sorry I find cuddling with someone I have zero feelings for awkward as fuck. Like I don’t know you yet. How are we cuddling after a few hours?

    I guess I didn’t care about the paying for or planning dates. I just focused on the reason for no second dates, which I concluded was the lack of sex.

  8. I was the free drinks guy before. Took me and my buddy 3x going out with the girl and her friend before we said no to going out one night and their response was well, what are we going to do for drinks? We are petty and were pissed so we responded that they could find 2 other idiots to not go home with and take their money from now on. No response, can’t imagine why

  9. Lol… you do know that you can say you only pay for yourself on a first date, right?

    If a woman doesn’t want to go out with you because of that then you don’t go out with her. No need to berate her she had her standards you have yours.

    Learn how to set boundaries.

  10. I was in corporate sales for 6 years, It was my job to be the free food guy. I’ll tell you it all sounds good until you’re trying to maintain all these fake ass relationships. Fuck sales.

  11. I don’t feel like I was used, but I wish I saved my money going on actual dates instead of friends dates.

  12. I’m currently the free food lady. It’s been 3 months. I don’t know if I’m being used or if he’s just clueless. He’s a nice guy, and almost everything else is great, but just never pays anything on a date (resto ou cinéma). Don’t know how I got into this situation, don’t know how to get out of it without losing him.

  13. Umm, half the male population has been the free food guy, whether aware or not. You thought you were on a date, but she had three dollars in her pocket and was hungry. While she was sitting across the table from you she was also texting the guy she’d be meeting up with later that evening.

  14. Maybe, probably, but I never really cared. I liked going out for food and drinks and if I liked a girl, I’d ask her out.

    When I’d stop liking her, I’d stop asking her out.

    Sometimes they insisted on splitting, sometimes they just made a weak attempt, and I’d tell them to put their money away. Sometimes they wouldn’t even try to chip in.

    Women would often spend $100 preparing for a date, between hair, nails, and makeup. I spent zero on that front, so didn’t mind picking up the food/drinks.

    I never got to the point with a woman that it was like date 6 or 7 and I felt like a human ATM. If there was no chemistry there, there wouldn’t be a date 6 or 7.

    I will say that I gladly paid for my first date with my wife, but I had to basically give a blood oath that I would let her pay on the second date. And I did.

  15. Maybe once or twice during my tenure… I felt the girl must be retarded or poor af.

    Who on earth wants to go out with someone they’re not into… like I would pay to not go on a date with someone there was no future with; and they’re doing it for a $20 meal?!


  16. Oh man. I actually have a good one for this.

    Yes, I absolutely was the free food guy. I found out cuz the girl lost her phone while we were out at a brewery and I called it to help her find it. My name in her phone was something along the lines of “Meal #2”. I caught a glimpse of it for just a split second but I know for sure what I read. The plan was to get drinks and try a bbq place just down the road right after.

    Initially I was pretty pissed but didn’t wanna make a scene, so I just excused myself to the bathroom. After a minute to compose myself, I went back out and made an effort to make sure that I was fine. Made jokes, genuine connection, turn on the charm, the whole 9 yards. Over about an hour or so of talking, we racked up a bill of about $60 or so (cocktails and beers get expensive) and we inevitably come to the check dance.

    I make the initial offer to pay, hoping she butts in and tries to make an offer, and I was right. The minute she offered I looked her in the eye, and said “oh. Thank you. I appreciate that” and immediately put my wallet back in my pocket

  17. Looking through this comment section…. WOW.

    Fuck yeah I’m the free food guy. Active tense. Right now. You want to socialize over food? You just want a meal? I don’t give a single solitary FUCK what the reason is. Fucking come over. I’ll pour cocktails and throw something together. Everyone eats, no one goes hungry, and if I’m drinking we’re all drinking. Bring a friend, bring your brother, bring your boyfriend, IDGAF. So long as I have food I am sharing it. So long as I have a bottle, I’m pouring it. So long as there’s herb in the jar I’m passing you a lighter. So long as the speakers work you can have the aux.

    I am not a conventional extrovert. I don’t flap my lips all day and fill up every silence with a wall of sound, but I love people. I have the classic three vices of wine women and song.

    Eat, drink, be merry. We’ve only got one go round on this earth and I don’t have time to waste on thinking that it matters if people are “using” me for a free meal because the jokes on them as I am using them right back to fill my life with people and stories.

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