So I (20F) feel like my life is just so boring. I don’t get drunk even though I drink occasionally and don’t smoke or party. I do like art which is a hobby of mine that i’m trying to get back into. I’ve never been through a wild phase like people my age have meaning having wild night outs with friends. I’ve had friends throughout my life and best friends but we always drift apart when the school year is over (I’m a college commuter).

I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for over 3 years and people are always telling me I should date and see each other people to get my “wild” phase out of the way and I feel like I should but without dating around and being involved with other guys, just simply having fun with friends. All I do is go to school and work and see my boyfriend and I want change in my life.

I consider myself introverted and people always say join clubs and stuff but it never seemed to work in the past and i’ve decided to just sit back and let friendships come to me but it’s only been acquaintances so far and hasn’t developed beyond that. Any advice?

  1. Do what you want!

    If you feel like you miss out because of them than you dont miss out.

    If you want to slut out than make something nasty with your bf.

    If you are boring thats okay embrace it even ! It doesnt matter as long you are happy

  2. Do what makes you happy. I married at 19 and divorced at 24. Then started going a bit crazy and enjoying life. It was all worth it.

    I’d definitely recommend getting out there and connecting with others who have similar interests. At 20, you’re still impressionable and will benefit from positive company outside of your immediate relationship.

  3. You might be experiencing a phase where everyone else is going through wild years.

    It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re for you though. Your early in your twenties, party scene is normal in teenage years and early twenties. It can be a lot of fun but it’s high risk and you also risk burning off friendship and love life cause of selfish behaviour potentially family even.

    Maybe what you do need however Is for your boyfriend to give you a night your going to remember for the rest of your life though. There’s nothing wrong with being content but uncontent at the same time.

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