The title says it all. Basically my social anxiety really kicked in during pandemic. I also work mostly remote and can speak to people all day on my computer without any problems. I guess I feel safe behind the screen?

Anyways here and there I need to see my colleagues face to face, I already do my best to avoid company parties. But I can’t avoid them forever.

I think what I struggle the most is to actually start a conversation and I am fearful of just standing alone in a corner without knowing what to say. But if people speak to me, I respond normally and can hold a conversation.

Anyways, any advice redditors on how to deal with this? Start conversations? Or be less nervous in general?

  1. Maybe try talking to people who are next to you somewhere you don’t have to face them, like at a bar.

  2. In my experience taking a low dose Xanax before all company parties is the move.

    It’s a real hoot and a holler… at that point ALL bets are off bro you’d be the star of the show.

    This is especially the move. If you don’t need to do it all the time, so addictions pretty much ruled out.

  3. Just go put yourself out there….

    I had a colleague like you once.. He was a computer geek and the pandemic put him in the worst mental and physical state, where he couldn’t even smile without it feeling forced

    He simply put himself out there. Didn’t have to talk. Didn’t have to contribute. He just wanted to be there around others. He’d hang out with us quietly in the lunch room. He’d sit near us whenever he saw a little gathering and not say a word. He’d go stand outside with the smokers holding his cup of coffee and just being there.

    The first time I noticed it, I asked him why he’s quiet. He was completely honest and transparent. His response “I can’t talk to people nowadays. I just want to feel social. I enjoy your company a lot even tho I don’t say anything. Are you okay if I just hang out?”

    Weird approach, I know. But it worked. By the time I handed in my resignation, he was telling stories to people, cracking jokes, and I caught him being the centre of attention once or twice

  4. As who also has developed a major anxiety issue, i’m trying to focus on the fact that maybe I like being more of an introvert for lack of a better word. If I think those questions like how to start a conversation or how not to be nervous, I feel like it’s the wrong question for me. Makes me spiral deeper lol. I’m trying to convince myself that I don’t have to start a conversation. maybe if I was OK with that I would be a little less nervous. I would feel far more comfortable, no matter where I was but this is a work in progress it’s not for everyone.

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