We’ve been talking for a little over a week. On our first date he told me he wants to wait to have an emotional connection with someone before having sex and I agreed. However, he recently suggested that we get dinner and watch movies/cuddle at his place after. I confirmed that he would not be expecting sex.

He’s told me about some deep trauma surrounding his family and past relationship. I haven’t shared as much, but did tell him I was cheated on by my physically abusive ex. I’m scared we’re moving too fast emotionally, but I’m aware that part of this is due to my trust issues. I also haven’t been in a relationship in 3 years. He’s told me he dreams about me, always texts back immediately, and is very sweet. I’m scared that he’s trying to get me to like him, and then later pull back to hurt me. Should I be concerned? Is this normal?

  1. This may sound harsh but it doesn’t sound like you’re ready for a relationship.

    You interpret green flags as red flags and thats not healthy for anyone involved

  2. He will absolutely try to have sex with you if you go over to “watch movies”. You’ve been talking ONE WEEK and you’re already sharing your traumatic pasts? Of course you’re moving too fast. No, it is not how normal relationships develop. I guess it’s normal for toxic and codependent relationships.

    You should sit with yourself and consider if you *really* like this guy, like what specifically about Him do you like, or do you just like the attention (dreams about you, texts back immediately) he gives you?

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