My (30M) new girlfriend (29F) likes rough sex. She likes spanking, choking, hair pulling, scratching, biting, etc. She also likes being bossed around and being told what to do, as well as being “tossed” around physically (being picked up, rolled over, and just generally being physically overpowered).

This is a bit new to me, but I’m totally on board with it. In other words, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable or anything, but I am a little inexperienced with it. I’m mainly looking for ideas of things to say and do to keep things interesting without her having to tell me each little thing that she likes.

So, in short, I’m looking for ideas for:
* Words or phrases that would be hot to say since she likes being “bossed around”
* How to be rough without actually hurting or injuring her (techniques, actions, etc.)
* Any other words of wisdom (bonus points if any ladies who are into this can provide some insight)

One other thing that I can add is that she told me that she reads erotic literature that tends to have pretty strong power dynamics. Think cops, mob boss, CEO, etc.

  1. My wife is the exact same way and also reads a lot of erotic literature involving power dynamics. Maybe your girlfriend would like being told what to do? My wife loves when I say things like “be a good girl, get on your knees and put my cock in your mouth”. If the situation is a little less intense, sometimes when we are just making out, I’ll tell her to take her pants off and rub her clit while she kisses me. If she’s on top during sex, I’ll grab a handful of her hair, make eye contact with her, and tell her how to ride me. All of that seems to go over well.

    In terms of being rough, when I’m on top, sometimes I’ll turn her head to the side and push her head into the pillow or bed. Basically palm the side of her face like a basketball and push her down. When she’s on top, I’ll pull her hair so her head leans back which forces her chest to stick out and I’ll slap her tits. Also, if she’s on top, I’ll have her lay on me chest to chest, and I’ll take her hands and pin them behind her back with one hand and I’ll spank her with the other hand while I’m still thrusting into her.

    Obviously, you’ll want to get consent for all this stuff. My wife and I just have safeword. She wants me to do whatever I want and then she will say the safeword if something crosses the line. However, if it’s a new girlfriend, probably best to play it a bit safe and get things ironed out beforehand.

  2. We’re in the same position. My gf and I (29) discovered a love for rough sex when we got together. It’s about versatility. Start slow, tender almost, with controlled bursts of aggression, then go slow again. As far as what to say. “Take it for me”, “Don’t run”, “Cum for me”, “Give it to me” and surprisingly, grunting. My gf really likes when I growl and groan while I’m fucking her.

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