Over the last 2 months while working out I received two compliments. One from a guy saying that he admired my drive, and another telling me that I look great. Both of these came out of nowhere and absolutely made my week. When were you the person making someone’s week?

  1. I always get out of my way to compliment people just to make the day brighter. From the garbage man the stranger in the supermarket to a city worker.

    Compliments are free and if it makes somebody’s day brighter than I’m a happy man

  2. Allll the time!

    I get high off of making people feel good about themselves

    not a cheap compliment, I have to mean it

    but buddy if you walk into room

    even if you are a stranger

    and have something like neon leopard print sunglasses I’m going to tell you enthusiastically how much I love them

    we gotsta prop each-other up!

  3. I honestly don’t remember. I’ve definitely given random men compliments in the past, usually about their shirt or hair, but it’s been a while. I will also make the same types of compliments to random women.

  4. In the shower at the gym, I complimented the black gentleman on the enormity of his penis size.

  5. I’m an older dad with adult sons and grandchildren.

    I compliment young men that are working hard and being good dads. No one seems to notice all the work dads put in.

    I also tell my sons that I am proud of them when they do something that makes me proud.

    Young men absolutely beam when you notice their hard work.

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