So this is either going to be a controversial thing or informative. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 4 months and yeah lk that isn’t long but hear me out. When we met it seemed like he was a total animal and we were at it constantly, trying new stuff, and just figuring out how we liked having sex together. Since being together we’ve both gotten new jobs and both been under a bit of stress. But. My sex drive has been the same and his has just been no where. He tells me he’s under a lot of stress and he’s tired.
And I’m trying to be understanding, but it just kinda hurts because of my past experiences, this hasn’t been an issue with other partners and we’d feel the same way towards each other and always want to engage in each other. No, I’m not saying he should be like my exes. But I feel like he’s just giving me a google explanation because trust me that’s where I looked first (gl. His job could be stressing him out more than mine and he could be telling the truth, although we’re 21-23 so I just don’t understand how at this age we could be having that problem. I feel like he’s just bored with me because things that he would be excited about he just would glance over now. Maybe this is normal to some people and things slow down over time. But it’s just odd to me.

  1. One thing I’m really wondering is, do I need to slow down too or is it equally important that my needs are met as well. Or should I just MB more XD

  2. Dont take it personal, there’s a good chance he is genuinely just under slot of pressure. Anything can effect a mans sex drives especially poor hormones caused by lack of sleep and exercises, poor diet, high stress etc. If he shows affection in other departments, you have nothing to worry about. However, if it’s making you reconsider being with him, speaking to him directly would be best

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