So long story… But I’ll make it short.

My wife left me…
Than I fell in love with another woman still loving my wife. When wifey found out that I’m in love with someone else she got back.
Wifey Initiated threesome than completely kicked her out of my life. But we kept in touch, my wife would say behind her back, but I don’t think about it that way, cuz it doesn’t have to do anything with her, right?

Two years later my wife is persuading me to invite her to repeat that experience. I refused cuz I don’t want to play with my and that girls feelings. So wife texted her without my consent, grill said Yes I’m in, but never showed up.
One night that girl asked me if I have some medicine, i know it’s just an excuse but who cares. She came in front of the building and that’s the only time I saw her after two years. I got so excited…I don’t know what that feeling actually is but… I love my wife and my marriage is my number one priority.

We still fight about that girl, actually my wife is fighting and I’m just answering her questions.
I think I love them both. And it’s not my fault my wife feels insecure and frustrated because I love someone else too, it was her choice to leave.

There is nothing going on between me and that girl, we text each other occasionally but it’s mostly friendly texts. Sometime “miss you” or “I wish you were here”. But that’s only like when my wife start asking questions are we in touch, asking to read my msgs and that turns into a fight.
So I kind of do it like a revenge.

What are your thoughts about this?
What my wife was expecting when she wasn’t taking care about her man?
What now?

  1. >What are your thoughts about this?

    This sounds like a toxic sticky web of issues. Period.

  2. >What are your thoughts about this?

    That is very difficult to come across a story like this where 3 people are so foolish and self destructive together.

  3. Here’s the thing. Once you took your wife back, you should have ended everything else with that other woman. Regardless of whether or not your wife left, continuing to carry on with this emotional affair is wrong. What you should do is block that woman on all social media and never contact her again. It absolutely is your fault for continuing to make your wife insecure by loving this other woman and trying to get in touch with her.

    But your wife is being toxic by trying to invite her over and the threesome was…a choice. You didn’t give much info about your relationship prior to this and your wife clearly carries some blame but you’re justifying continuing to carry feelings for someone else.

  4. I think you need to pick one of these 3 people: your wife, this other person, or yourself. From what I’m reading I personally would pick the other woman or yourself, but I also have a couple lines so obviously not a big picture.

    Your wife, as you’ve described her here, sounds like she only wants what other people have. She doesn’t want you, she just doesn’t want you to be with anyone else.

    The woman sounds, maybe fine? I’m not sure. I’m trying to think what I would do if I was dating Ross.

    Personally I would pick myself and go get some therapy, or at the very least find a relationship with someone who doesn’t have this baggage with me

  5. The only thing that matters is what are YOUR thoughts about this? It s your life, and if you are happy great, if not, ask yourself what would make you happy and push in that direction.

  6. Therapy to deal with youe questions about your marriage. If you decide you want to stay with your wife its time to process your feelings for the other woman and let them go. Love is a feeling and you can take actions that will effect it. Treat it like other feelings. How do you deal with anger? How do you let go? It sounds like you need to cut contact with the other woman until you are in better control. If you would rather end the relationship with your wife then do that.

  7. Bro I think this chaos is exactly what you want. Enjoy it if that’s your thing. I hope there are no kids in the picture.

  8. If your marriage is your number one priority you need to cut contact with the other woman for the sake of the marriage.

    Yes, your wife left and did wrong but you accepted her back. If you need help getting through it you need marriage counseling, not an emotional outlet like you are using.

    It would be hard for you to get over the third party when you are still in communication with them.

  9. Keep that other woman in your life, she is your peace when that other piece of shit isn’t.-management

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