I went to a football party, stole the remote, and started playing a YouTube video about man spreading and mansplaining

They got mega ultra triggered 😂😂😂

  1. If you were able to get much farther than switching the channel, they really didn’t care about watching the game.

  2. I doubt they were triggered. Just pissed off at you for switching football off at a football party. But stay tuned for some triggered comments 👀

  3. First, I eat asparagus and drink coconut water all day. Then, I wait until they are asleep in bed. I creep into the room and get in bed. Position myself in the exact middle of the bed. Then, I…wait the question is “off?” Nevermind.

  4. You’ll piss off anybody when you suddenly turn off what they’re watching. Childish

  5. I’ve found the easiest way to piss a gal off is to not give her the reaction she’s looking for. No matter how deep she digs the knife in, just give a deep sigh like this is the most boring conversation you’ve ever been a part of and say “Ya done?”

    Fair warning: this can lead to her utilizing an actual, physical knife so… be ready for that.

  6. Please learn the meaning of the word **triggered** – you aren’t using it properly.

    Switching the game to some bs YT is infantile and bound to piss people off.

  7. Imagine having your party ruined by this cringe lord. Pro-tip, if women have fun at your parties, they might come back.

    Learn to banter instead, or maybe not if that’s how you behave.

  8. Why would I want to piss off the opposite gender? Or anyone for that matter? I’m not a child and I do my best not to be a dick.

  9. I’m not big on it, but when I tell them the relationship isn’t going well, they tend to get upset about it.

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