I’m in a very quiet town where there’s really not much work available and no good travel links, and I need to move house soon. I was thinking if I want to find some decent work to afford living costs I need to be in a city, or a place with good links to a city.

I have a fair amount of money saved up, but I’m not sure how to approach things. If you want to move, won’t you need to prove your earnings to a landlord in order for them to agree to have you as a tenant? But also, if you secure a job, won’t you need to proof of address?

Given this, is it better to move first with some savings and put down a few months rent in advance, and then try and find a job there. Or is it better to try and secure a job first and try to negotiate with them about relocating?

  1. Nowadays everything is remote. Even if you have to move closer to a job, living in a city is not the best option

  2. Get the job first but tell them you will relocate once it’s offered. You’re right that you’ll need proof of earnings to rent.

  3. Find a job and then move. Check out towns within travelling distance of your new office and also what expectations they have about your presence in the office each week.

    I used to have to be in the office 5 days a week, since covid my company says 2 days a week, some companies don’t even need you to do that.

    Think about where you could afford to live if you only have to get to the office a couple of times a week and it gives you a bit more scope in terms of distance.

    Travelling an hour and a half could be annoying every day but if you only need to go in one day a week, could you suck it up?

  4. I guess it also depends on where you’re moving to. I only have experience of moving from a city (Bristol) to London. I absolutely needed a job first before I moved and I had only rented in Uni (lived with my parents a year after I graduated). Therefore proof of address of parents was fine.

    I’m not sure what it’s like in other cities but when I lost my job in London there was so much stress about paying rent on time.

    I would always advise people to secure a job first then move. That way you can have a budget plan in mind based on your salary.

  5. Was asking myself the same question the other day. I’d say if your moving abroad then move first as it’s easy to get a job when you’re there but if you’re moving in the UK, find a job first

  6. I’d say job first. Any savings could disappear very quickly if you can’t find work and you might find it difficult to rent without a job.

    If you get a job before you move, you may need to stop in a B&B until your find somewhere permanent to rent, but I think that’s the best option

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