What is a question you’ve always had?

  1. I always had a tough time feeling rage. The blinding one, I recall only one time I felt that way and I was a kid

    It’s weird because I know it’s not a good thing, but It also feels like something is missing.

    Like, can I get really angry? Or is just this silent anger I get? Do I have a limit? A breaking point? What damage can I cause?

    It’s not like I wanna to berserk every day and just get really mad for small things, but I usually have my emotions under control. I just want to know I can feel rage, if anything can make me that mad.

    I am a big guy, I’ve learned that I can seriously harm someone, so I am really careful to not engage in physical conflict, but I do know how to fight, have done boxing for a long time, and now I’m doing BJJ. I just want to know that when push comes to shove I have it in me to defend me and the ones I love.

  2. How many accounts explicitly asking for karma in other comments are going to come here and ask the most generic question possible?

    At least one.

  3. Do people of a certain type choose their job, or do people choose a job and then become that way because of the job?

    I can think of some others but let’s keep this SFW

  4. What does it feel like to have a vagina?

    Also my big burning question that I need to one day know. What is the exact biological process that produces milk? Seriously, there’s been no studies on the human breast to figure out EXACTLY what it does and which molecules are combined in what way to create breast milk!

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