For context, I’m a 7th grade male. In school, there is always that one group of girls. The central one, I suppose you could call it. A tightly knit group of BFFs. Anyways, my friend and I (I’ll call him John) are kinda introverted, we only hang out with each other and a small group of introverts. Anyways, this group of girls (mainly a select few) have been getting super annoying. I’ve come to notice that John and I are the only target for them. Recently, it’s been getting bad though. So my seat got moved next to one of those girls in science and, being the introvert I am, give her the answers when she asks for them in a group project. Dunno if that has to do with anything, but I thought I’d mention it in case. Idk if it’s mocking, genuine feelings, or something else, but they will not leave John and I alone. Just today, John and I sat at our own lunch table. Unfortunately the only empty one was right next to the table which seated said girl group. They would not leave me alone for the whole lunch. At one point, three of them just got up and sat at our table, didn’t even give the courtesy of asking. The quarantine took what little bit of social skills I had, and I need them back so I can deal with this. I need tips.

  1. Girls this age group can be the worst! Im sorry! What if you just dish it back to them, like saying “why are you so obsessed with me?” If they are teasing/making jokes that annoy you. If you and your friend are on the same page about it could you guys have each others back to say something to this group of girls that just kind of let’s them get the hint that they are annoying you guys. They provably like you honestly (sadly girls this age are Probly learning how to flirt and it comes across as teasing). They obviously like your attention, whether that be good or bad.

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