There is so much written and filmed about how wonderful cum is to be swallowed and all but I’ve tried everything and still can’t find it tasteful enough to swallow. I’ve sucked several men and tasted my own and it’s always the same. I had a bf who kept on wishing I would take and swallow his copious load but I just couldn’t. Should I try to learn liking it?

P.S. I love the texture of cum. I love being sprayed with cum. I love playing with cum. But I can’t get around to like it’s taste and to swallow.

  1. No. Encourage your partner to eat healthier and less meat and it can taste better though. Same goes for how vulvas taste.

  2. I love cum, but I wouldn’t necessarily say I love the taste of it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the taste of it either, but it’s not really about that. I think you can love cum for what it is even if you don’t like the taste of it. I really love swallowing my partners cum, not because it “tastes so good” or anything, but because of how it makes me feel to do it. It really wouldn’t matter what it tasted like (as long as it didn’t make me physically sick) if it still made me feel the way it does.

  3. Not at all cum typically doesn’t taste good. Think about it its a body fluid that the body gets rid of . Sweat, pee, poo, blood, boogers, ear wax, all this stuff doesn’t taste good because its not designed to be eaten.

    All that being said I’ve actually been with a guy who did have not bad tasting cum but he had a vasectomy so idk if that had something to do with it. I say not bad tasting because thats as good as it gets with cum

  4. > There is so much written and filmed about how wonderful cum is to be swallowed

    Uh, is there? I mean, *some* people really enjoy it for any number of reasons but I think there’s far more people who’ve learned to *tolerate* semen because it makes their partner happen but they don’t “love” it .

    Do what’s comfortable for you. Getting a blowjob is pretty magical regardless of what happens “after”.

  5. A bromelain supplement will improve how someone tastes. The effect is much more pronounced in men than women.

  6. Jizz is rotten egg flavoured snot. I don’t know many people who think it tastes good. Some tastes like windex if the person is on certain meds. I swallow only for men I really, really love.

  7. Less garlic and onion in the diet helps a LOT, lots of water, lots of fresh fruit, fresh veg. It’s made a big difference for me for sure

    But there’s nothing wrong with still not enjoying it. I am definitely not a huge fan either so I get it

  8. I was forced to eat liver and cod liver oil as a child. I can swallow anything. Just put your mind on the benefits. I.e his glee, no cleanup.

  9. The taste is, at best, what I imagine 12N NaOH mixed with corn starch tastes like. At its worst it is rotten.

  10. No and your boyfriend should considerate. I don’t like it either and my boyfriend has quite literally never asked cuz he understands that I don’t like it. When I asked about it he just said, it’s not arousing making you do something you don’t wanna if your happy I’m happy.

  11. You don’t like the taste you shouldn’t let a guy cum in your mouth.

    There is ways to make it taste better. (But to some people it never gonna taste good.)

    Diet have a huge part of it. If a guy smokes it gonna effect it as well. I would say if the cum smells bad then it gonna taste bad. If it doesn’t smell like anything it probably gonna taste better.

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