Like Mariah Carey’s all I want for Easter is chocolate, or Bing with little bunny boy? What about a big Easter egg you decorate with tinsel and lights?

  1. Because Christmas is the Christian attempt at erasing existing midwinter festivals and celebrations. Yule, in particular, is a celebration of darkness turning towards the light, and the days beginning to become longer once more.

    Co-opting the original pagan celebrations instead of outright banning them is how Christianity spread so quickly in Europe.

  2. Places definitely do Easter decorations. It’s the pastel colour holiday. Halloween is the black and orange one and Christmas is the red white and green one.

  3. Traditionally we always sing:

    He’s a hot cross bunny
    Cos we nailed him to the cross
    But he doesn’t think it’s funny
    Cos we nailed him to a cross
    Now eat all his chocolate
    Before he slowly dies
    Then daddy will chop him up
    And put him in our pies

    Also rabbits are surprisingly cheap.

  4. It’s a lot easier to turn christmas into a commercialised event than Easter. Giving gifts etc is core to the story of Christmas whereas Easter is a time for sombre reflection.

  5. I saw an Easter wreath for sale once – it was in TK Maxx.

    Easter is inherently more somber than Christmas which is why I think further commercialisation hasn’t taken off.

  6. I’ve seen Easter wreaths and trees in recent years. But Easter is normally when the weather is a bit better and the days are longer, which makes twinkly lights and all that a bit less magical and we’re out of our houses more.

  7. I think Easter is underrated as a potential festival/holiday and should be pushed more, I think it’s wrong to put all our eggs in one basket with Christmas.

    Hindus have the right idea having various festivals spread over the year, which people can follow regardless of whether they are particularly religious or not.

    Easter falls at a good time to cheer people up when winter is over but summer holiday still seems a long way off. There’s something for everyone-
    -Easter eggs/chocolate for kids
    -Christian festival for the religious
    -Pagan elements for the alternative and folky
    -Atheists can smugly enjoy telling everyone that it’s a festival co-opted by the church etc.

  8. How can you say that? Did you miss the banging Easter hymns?

    > (sing creepily low and slow) Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my saviour…

    >waiting the coming day, Jesus my lord.

    >(drum roll… dadadadada!)

    >Up from the grave he arose! (Bam bam! (drum sounds))

    >with a mighty triumph o’er his foes (rum-pum!)

    >he arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign!

    >He arose, he arose!

    >Alleluia Christ arose!

    Stirring stuff.

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