I am a 17 year old male; currently double majoring in two highly quantitative subjects from the top school in my country (which is also counted among the top STEM schools n the world).

Consequently my high intelligence makes it difficult to connect with normal people; it is though I need to lower myself to match their level of intellect in order to have a conversation.

Most conversations also tend to be extremely shallow, and having to deal with people of lower intelligence becomes increasingly frustrating.

Can anyone here relate to my experience?
Any idea on how I can cope with it?

  1. You aren’t going to believe me now, but in 5 or so years you will look back and realise that this attitude isn’t to do with being particularly intelligent, it’s to do with being 17. Hold tight. You’ll grow out of it.

  2. Well, the people who have SOCIAL intelligence might be thinking the same thing of people who can’t match their social skills. But it’s likely they won’t mention it.

    We all bring different skills to life, so try to be generous with others and just go with the flow!

  3. If you think the education system or status of the school you attend, has any meaning besides as a token of arrogance and growing into an ignorant obedient workslave, then you really aren’t very intelligent

  4. “People of lower intelligence.”?!?!?

    Wow. Repulsive.

    Your life is going to be miserable if you don’t get off the high horse.

    How to cope with it? Speak to people as humans, not beings whom you rank on some useless intelligence spectrum.

  5. Your so-called level of intelligence is still not high enough to comprehend how hard you’re going to cringe to this post on the future.

  6. High intelligence is unrelated to your enjoyment in having a conversation with the average person. You’re attributing your dissatisfaction with your social interactions to intelligence, when in all likelihood it’s due to talking to people with incompatible personalities.

  7. I don’t think your high intelligence makes it difficult to connect with people; more that you place your academic intelligence at the forefront of developing connections. Which I’m afraid isn’t going to work well in the long run. My advice to you is this: practice empathy and focus less on your intellectual strengths when it comes to talking to people. There’s a difference between being smart and being wise

  8. This is a fantastic example of how you can be “highly intelligent” yet quite clueless.

  9. If you were that clever you would be able to talk to people of all levels. It’s like saying a professional footballer couldn’t have a kick around, you’re just being a dick.

  10. If this was an elaborate rouse to get people to roast you, you seem to be doing fine.

    You better start taking your meds regularly. Your delusions are getting worse.

  11. Realize that you’re really not any smarter than them and that some people might think you’re an idiot and that at the end of the day you’re likely being super judgmental and have insecurities about your own intelligence

  12. You’re not better than anyone else. There is also emotional intelligence which you seem to lack quite a bit.
    You will find people that share your interests, no worries.
    Try to see the beautiful and intelligent in all people. Give them a chance to surprise you.
    I had a bit of a similar attitude in your age but it was more that I have quite peculiar interests that are commonly seen as “intellectual”. But reading James Joyce doesn’t make you a better human being than reading a trashy romance novel does. I am sure you will meet like minded people and in the meanwhile practice love and humility with the people that are around you right now.

  13. Sounds to me like you just lack social skills and these “normal people” simply exceed your galaxy brain in this department. There’s something that you can learn or find intrigue in in ANYBODY

  14. Wow. Well you are 17, and there’s still time to grow out of your “I’m better than everyone stage”, people might think you’re smart and you might think you’re smart. Posting this publicly suggests otherwise.

  15. You can learn something from everyone you talk to. Try going into conversations with the intent to learn something from the person you’re talking to.

  16. I wish you all the best, but this statement makes you sound very arrogant. Be mindful of that. It’ll push people away from you.

    And you think everyone around you is dumb? Because they don’t act like you? You need to get your head out your arse mate. You can’t assume that. You’ll fool yourself in the long run.

  17. You’re going to have to learn to like or to tolerate small talk until you find people who’re all about the deeper discussions otherwise you’ll miss out on developing important social skills.

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