Just curious what the public opinion would be, not that it’s likely to happen.
But given how Merlin almost has a monopoly on attractions in the UK, meaning they don’t have to try too hard, it could add a lot.

  1. It would be a massive employer and bring in a lot of tourists, good/bad would depend a lot on location. I bet the locals would have mixed thoughts.

  2. I wouldn’t care. I don’t see why anyone would unless it was in their local area and disruptive.

  3. Good news, would love a theme park with family hotels, evening music entertainment serving cocktail to parents, 5* buffets. Bring it on 🙂

  4. It would be great news but a lot of people don’t like new things, so the objections would be endless.

  5. Wouldn’t really care. Given how ludicrously expensive Disneyland is I wouldn’t be going.

    A lot of people love it though, so good for them I guess. I suppose in a few years time if I have kids I might care more, as it’s something to take kids to.

  6. I considered it for a moment and thought “yeah would be mega as long as it wasn’t wherever I’m living,” and then realised I’m getting old and sound like a proper NIMBY.

    Overall it would be good for the (local) economy and a great employment factor for the area.

    Just not in my back yard.

  7. I don’t care for things Disney myself so I wouldn’t give a shit about it as long as it didn’t cause disruption in my area.

  8. I’d welcome it. Unlikely I’d visit it but it would be a tremendous tax revenue generator.

    I actually wouldn’t even care if it was close to my house but I’ll admit that’s unlikely as I’m miles away from a sizeable motorway.

  9. Random fact, euro Disney was built near Paris, but at the consultation stage they were looking at miskin (south wales) too. I don’t think it was seriously (weather and we’re an island) but they did briefly consider it I think.

  10. I wouldn’t care as long as it was far far away from me, having lived near a theme park for the majority of my life I wouldn’t want to be near one again!

  11. Outside of London – good, Inside of London – no more I’m sick of tourists

  12. Isn’t there plans for a universal or something like that in England somewhere? Sure I read an article about it last year

  13. I’m a bit of a YIMBY, so cool, but I’d be worried about how much it is effectively subsidised by cut business rates etc that aren’t available to other smaller businesses.

  14. It’s not my thing to go to, but it would create a lot of jobs and probably boost tourism for the surrounding area, so even if Disney was taking the profits of the park itself back to America the surrounding local infrastructure such as hotels and restaurants etc would hopefully be taking in a lot of tourist money as well as contracts for other businesses such as food suppliers, cleaning contractors and logistics etc

  15. Where would the revenue go? We have a Disneyland franchise in our country. It’s packed solid every day with customers, and tickets start at about 40. It should be profitable, but reports say that it isn’t. I suspect much of the revenue goes to Disney US to cover license fees, branded merchandise, parts and equipment, etc.

  16. Oh my, imagine a Disneyland staffed by the Brits though. “Alright mate, welcome to Disney” How would our grumpy cynical selves even achieve their expected level of overly cheerful smiley customer service?

  17. Im currently in Disneyland Paris in what is supposed to be one of the quietest weeks of the year. There are multiple thousands of people here (10+ easily). Staff levels are insane. This place creates a huge number of jobs and tax revenue. A family stay can be anywhere from around £900-£6500 plus food, which is pretty expensive too!
    It would have to be done as well as Disney do it to draw a crowd though. This place is unbelievable (even to a grumpy middle aged first timer)

  18. Bad news. Another corporate, homogeneous, generic cultural vacuum sounds like a bloody horror.

    It’ll end up being Some bored lad from Kiddiminster in an ill fitting goofy outfit reeking of pot and moaning that it’s so drizzly his rizzlas are damp.

  19. Bad, it would take up far too much space in an already densely populated country and give another soulless American mega corporation an opportunity to exploit our shitty tax system

  20. As someone who was never exposed to Disney stuff as a kid (out in the middle of nowhere, no cinema, no VCR), I’ve always considered Disney to be a bit sinister, having only caught some of it in adulthood

    Don’t know what it is, just doesn’t sit right with me

  21. 50/50. Been to Paris a few times and the only people there who act obnoxious, rude or annoying are Brits.

    Last time I saw two bald overweight lads wearing XS Fred Perry try to start on eight armed security guards in Disney village.

  22. I’d rather one of the European parks opened a site here, or took over one of ours. Parks like Efteling are really cutting-edge, and use local folklore and original ideas instead of Disney intellectual property, which really appeals to me.

    What gets me is that our parks sometimes try this, but never really put their all into it. Nemesis at Alton Towers has a whole backstory, but it’s not really publicised now. Hex is probably the best example over here of weaving a local legend into a ride.

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