Men, is there anything you envy women for? If so, what?

  1. They got some gnarly coats. Men’s outerwear can be neat also, but not to the same extent. Or just men’s fashion in general, seems so lacking and uninspired for the most part.

  2. A few things, some of which are kind of shallow

    1. Being able to give birth, yes its painful, yes sex is a little more risky, but I still like the idea that with some sperm and taking care of myself I COULD be a big factor in creating another human.
    2. They generally have longer hair and more hairstyles to work with. Would be fun to try those out, not sure if I would dye it but still.
    3. Tiddies, yes underboob sweat sucks, yes bras are annoying, yes running with them can be annoying depending on how big they are, yes a lot of creepy people stare, I can look past that, tiddies are lovely.
    4. Having more fashion options clothing wise, many more outfits to make.
    5. Having those tight nit-sisterhoods seem nice. I don’t know maybe I’m just too lonely now as a dude lol
    6. I can get away with shaving my legs and arms without people judging me. Smooth skin is so good. ugh.
    7. They have a wider pelvis, and while that might mean they’re more susceptible to ACL tears, that also means I could shake my hips and look good while doing so. Clearly, that is totally worth it.
    8. I can get away with asking other dudes to do dirty work. “I’m a girl, look, just, can you please do x thing?”


    But in general I’m content being a decent dude.

  3. Their everlasting, body shaking, ecstatic, mind melting orgasms and can have multiple.

    I’m oooh, ahhh, woow… for 6 seconds then asleep

  4. Those orgasms are something to behold. Sometimes multiple, sometimes they seem to last forever. It’s impressive.

  5. They are given things for being pretty. My gf uses the guys who dm her and gets me stuff and its incredible how some guys want to buy her gifts that are thousands of dollars just so she will talk to them

  6. Orgasms. They seem to be way more intense for women, and they don’t really have a cooldown time. A woman could have multiple in a row if she wanted to. That also takes away a bit of pressure. One of my least favorite parts about sex is having to worry about not cumming too quickly. I always feel like a disappointment if I cum while my girlfriend is deep in pleasure and it ruins the mood. Meanwhile, her orgasming is motivation for me to keep going

  7. They get to wear more colourful clothes.

    I have worn white shirts and blue trousers (no not the same ones) to work for the last ( a lot of) years 5 days a week .

  8. Having internal genitalia has some obvious advantages. That short urethra is less than ideal, but I do see the overall engineering as superior.

  9. Nah. I don’t envy people by gender anymore. I have enough fun just envying people who are better than me

  10. I envy how women are allowed to work with children and nobody thinks it’s creepy. I have a talent for working with kids, but people keep judging me for it. A therapist once told me that people just can’t imagine that I exist; they can’t imagine that an adult male would actually want to spend so much time with kids unless he was secretly evil.

    This prejudice has cost me a lot, personally and professionally.

  11. Clothing options. We’ve got shorts or trousers, and t-shirts or button up shirts.

    They’ve got dresses, skirts, play suits, shorts, trousers, dungarees, tights, blouses, crop tops, t shirts, shirts with ruffled up sleeves, strappy tops, lacy tops, silky shirts, and all of those in many many styles.

    Don’t even get me started on the accessories, ear rings, hair bands, hair ties, ribbons and shit, bracelets, belts, those bracelets they put half way up their arm, feathers and stuff in their hair, handbags, purses, shoes, THE SHOES!

    Oh, and they got their own boobs to look at and play with and stuff whenever they want (but still don’t seem to all that much).

  12. Being able to play a passive role in the pursuit and formation of romantic relationships, and actually have that work out pretty well for you.

    Plenty of women have never made a single move in their entire lives.

  13. The system in my country for women who experience domestic violence is crappy at best, but at least it exists. For men it’s more of a “this was clearly your fault if your wife or girlfriend is abusive”. Im not saying the system for women in that horrifying situation is great by any means, but its miles ahead of what men get.

  14. “Its not like your problems get solved but at least they’re taken seriously, if anything happens to a guy its just considered funny”

    – Bill Burr

  15. Their ability to not be as alone as men. It’s like slight envy. A woman can go out and gain friends / attention of men in 1 day. Compared to a man could go through months and months of isolation without any friends or attention from the opposite sex even if they try. It’s like usually the women I’ve met and dated hadn’t gone more than 2 weeks to a month being single before they are onto the next guy / friend / whatever.

  16. Fashion, without a doubt.
    Im straight, but a bit flamboyant,feminine or expressive, whatever that means these days, but Id love to rock a skirt!

    In private I do a bit of crossdressing, but nothing wild, a bit of eyeliner, as I think I look legit good with it. Everything I like wearing is down to earth and professional.

    Im too fucked up mentally to dare to do anything like this in public, as the most comfortable thing I wear in public, is a hoodie and sweat pants, but if I was given the option, leggings, tights, skirts… something to showoff.

    Also if I mentioned this to any woman, my chances of dating would be even lower than they already are

  17. I envy how they’re viewed in sociaty – innocent.

    It would be nice to not feel self conscious around children because people are looking at me like I’m a Predator.

    It would be nice to be assumed I’m nice rather than a threat – smiling faces and “hello”s instead of people crossing the street.

    It would be nice to have emotional support in times of strife instead of being invisible

    It would be nice to not always be assumed I’m the abuser and not the victim when dicey situations happen with women.

  18. Being around children and not be looked at as a creep. I got the cops called on me because I was at the park with my 6 year old niece (babysitting). She fell and started crying so I run over pick her up and start walking towards a bench I was sitting at. 2 women run up to me trying to take my niece from me. They didn’t see her fall only that a tall man (6’4” 205lb) picked up a kid who’s crying and walked away. Meanwhile whilst they’re trying to rip my niece out of my arms she’s screaming “that’s my uncle, that’s my uncle!”. I grab the ladies arm and forcefully pull it away. And of course police rides by…. I almost get put in cuffs and the ladies are screaming at me while still my niece is screaming that I’m her uncle. It took a lot of convincing and calling my sister to finally convince the police that’s my niece. The lady wanted to press charges on me for assault. Police told the lady that she needs to be worried about me pressing charges. Niece is now scared of going to the park with me cus she thinks this shit will happen again. Thank you Karens for ruining having a fun time with my niece for the foreseeable future. I am also petrified of going out with my niece again because I’m also scared something like this will happen again

  19. Recently went shopping with the wife, noticed all the women’s Xmas clothes are all shapes, sizes and colours whereas when we walked round to the men’s section it was all navy, grey, brown etc.

    We need more colour dammit!

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