My friend and I argued about a pass for the movies.

He bought a few through me and I have held on to them for him. I help sell passes for this theatre I work for and I got him a deal. He offered me one for acquiring it for him. I kept it. He was tired one night and offered to give me another one for my trouble in driving them over to this house. I said ok.

I brought them to this house. I kept the one he gave to me. He then said he was mistaken and wanted the one he said I could have back. I was kind of confused and a little disappointed, for I believed it was mine now because I took the trouble to drive it over to this house, but I agreed he could have it back. I did ask at that time if I could buy it from him and he offered it for reimbursement but I changed my mind.

Now it’s been weeks now and he hasn’t picked it up. I then asked him yesterday about buying it respectfully, and he got extremely angry. I got upset in response and told him that his attitude was not needed. That he could have just said no and made a plan to come pick it up. Instead of talking through it or letting it be for now, he blocked me everywhere and said he was ending his friendship with me.

I guess I was already upset how I didn’t get the pass that he said I could have by taking the time to drive it to him. Also, how he wasn’t making any plans to come pick it up. It seemed like he didn’t really care for it to begin with & so I offered to buy it.

1 comment
  1. I’m confused. Did you drive to his house and give him the pass or are you waiting for him to come pick the pass up from you?

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