I’m so lost. The last person I dated was one of my best friends, which most people find weird. Me and her were together for a year before we split up. Since then, I haven’t tried to date anyone. I don’t know if I wasn’t ready or if I’m just not attractive as I have been told I’m a little less that average looking by a lot of people. I’m scared I’ll drive off the person I talk too. I’ve tried meeting people online but it sucked. What do I do?

  1. Without seeing how you look? you could post some of your profiles and ask for advice. Like asking others to check your resume lol

    Check different venues (Tinder, bumble, etc) and you’ll get different results (hookups vs real relationships, etc).

    I mean you’re 20… you’re still young. In school still? Plan on it? You’ll meet tons of people your age there. You in a big town? What hobbies do you have and enjoy? Reading? Chess? darts? pick something you have fun doing and you’ll meet people without the pressure of dating.

    I always had better luck when I stopped looking. Looked? was too nervous? scared em all away. When I stopped? I meet people doing things I enjoy. games. hobbies. church. etc.

  2. You should get out of your own head first. Practice calming excersises to help you while you talk with others

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