So me and my gf haven’t had sex in months since like august or September and i don’t how to mention it , we’ve been dating for about 10 months and our sex life has been great we communicate ab what we like and how to improve on things to make it better but recently we haven’t had any and idk what to do , we went through a rough patch recently and we took a break for like 2 weeks bc of stuff she was going through but it was like a break where we still talked just not as much and we didn’t talk or see anyone else during that time and after the break she asked me to be her boyfriend for real again and that was like almost a month ago and we’ve been talking about having sex and how we really want to , we used to be able to have sex pretty easily bc her mom wouldn’t be home but now her mom works from home and is home all the time but there’s been a few times where we could’ve but she didn’t say it or mention it , she would always be down to go to the restroom and do it or go to the another room and do it bc her brother would be home but he’d be in his room or asleep and recently I’ve been over when her mom wasn’t there and her brother was on the game or asleep and we had the perfect opportunity but she didn’t say anything , but she used to be like let’s go to the restroom or come and lock the door but now she hasn’t said anything like that and i don’t want to mention or be the one to ask bc of the break we had i don’t want to ruin anything by mentioning it but it sorta made me upset because she keeps saying how she wants to have sex so bad and how she craves it and you know all that type of stuff but when we’ve had the chance she didn’t do anything about it , and it’s kind of killing me because I want to have sex with her again too

  1. You say you communicate really well but you are simply not communicating. If you think there is a window of opportunity and you want to have sex, why don’t you take the initiative and suggest it?

  2. Simply say, I would love if we could be getting more physical and maybe having sex again soon.

  3. Ask her man. Quit hiding and show you can be vulnerable too, open your mouth and speak the words.

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