So I’m [23M] and I’ll be going on a date with this girl[20F] tomorrow. I met her online while gaming and we eventually started chatting as friends. Over time when we started to text each other we noticed we have a lot of things incommon like movies and games. She even made a comment about it like “Wow we have so much in common”. I knew she was single and I did find her cute but wasn’t really focused on anything but friendship but when she did make that comment I decided to just go for it and texted “Yeah we do, are you sure you’re not looking for a boyfriend lol” and she said she was open to it and I asked her out for some ice-cream and she agreed and told me how she was looking forward to it. The thing is I haven’t been in a relationship for over 4 years now mainly because I my life was a mess and tbh I’m not the most attractive guy but I believe I have made improvements to myself and this year I wanted to start dating again. It’s been rough first I met this girl earlier this year, we talked for a bit and set up a date but she stood me up for out first date and that was extremely disappointing and we never spoke again Then later this year I developed a huge crush with a female friend and I mean I really crushed hard. I confessed my feelings to her but she didn’t feel the same and she even thought I was joking and it hurt a lot but I moved on and we are still friends but I started questioning myself on whether anything had changed at all and my confidence lowered drastically but fast forward and now I have a date tomorrow and I’m nervous it’s not gonna end well, also I’m just anxious on what to talk about, how I will carry myself will I be confident or a nervous wreck. I’m just overthrowing things and I need some advice on how not to mess this up. Sorry for the long post btw.

1 comment
  1. Your past thangs with those girls…. just leave it with them. This new girl is someone else. Go in with a clean slate.

    Be curious about her, and hopefully you find something interesting about her, which paves way for more talking points. Do compliment her looks if it suits you, but keep it straight forward and to the point. Yes women like to be assured you find them physically attractive, but remember you’re also looking for someone to have certain qualities to them. If you’re not the kind of guy who can keep a conversation smooth while having these lingering questions to ask on your mind, then don’t push yourself too hard to remember them all. Ask them when the moment feels appropriate.


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