I feel like I’ve always had a problem with myself and I think it’s beginning to be more apparent as I get older. I’m 21 now and I realize lately that I have no real life goals. At my work I have options to get a raise and or do something with my life and I choose not to. Not that that’s what I want, but I simply have no desire to do so. Same goes for my sex life… I can be a pretty confident guy, and feel like I’m on my game, but as soon as something negative happens to me (like say a girl rejects me) I get overly stuck in my head and beat myself up about it. I’m learning to combat with this and I’ve gotten a lot better at it but there’s still an empty void to where something will always affect me emotionally, more than it would a normal person. I realize I have a low self esteem but Im very good at hiding it. One situation can get me overthinking, then all of a sudden I’ll have negative thoughts in my head. Another thing that’s tiring for me is when I get home from work, and I’m so mentally exhausted to the point that I have ZERO desire to text girls and connect with them more on a personal level, and because of that I’ve been pretty lonely and regret being that way. It makes me so mad inside. Is this all related? I’m beginning to feel like there’s something actually wrong with me. Should I go see a doctor?

1 comment
  1. You are being lazy and making excuses for yourself. A goal without any execution is just a dream. Realize you have to execute if you want to achieve your goals, regardless of how you feel about it. Work hard. Stop being lazy. Save yourself from a life of regret and misery and start executing. Chase excellence.

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