I’m looking for a sex/pleasure program or book like the authentic pleasure program, I just can’t afford the $1000 price tag.

Some background: I (enby) have a lot of trama from hetero relationships that have translated into having basically no interest in sex and having a lot of anxiety around it when it actually comes down to doing the act. Its having a massive impact on my newish relationship and my boyfriend (FTM) is really feeling hurt and rejected. For now Ive asked that we don’t have sex until I’m comfortable with just cuddling but Id really like more of a guide from someone who knows what their doing and is queer themselves.

1 comment
  1. I unfortunately have been in a similar situation and I honestly recommend therapy. It’s important to talk about past sexual and mental trauma before you can move forward, it won’t just go away. Having a lot of sexual knowledge won’t be useful if you have no interest in having sex!

    You should also talk with your boyfriend about your anxiety, if he is not willing to be patient he is not the one!


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